Apr 20, 2009 17:43
It's been a freaking month and a half since I updated! I'm sure most people haven't noticed, though. LOL I just wanted this journal to be better taken care of than the last one. :P
I know what I'll do, I'll blame it on pregnancy brain. :P LOL I swear, I've had zero energy and even less brain power the last couple months. It's so hard to do anything other than veg in front of the TV. They said my second trimester I was supposed to start re-gaining my energy, but two weeks in nothing has changed yet... Damn lying doctors. LOL
I want to keep working on my next Jellie fic, but it's stalled out. I know I stated when I started it that it was just a series of little moments in the developing John/Ellie relationship, nothing full-fledged or completely developed, but every time I write one I feel guilty that they're basically just fluffy little ficlets. I want to write a longer, more fleshed-out fic, but it's so hard right now to try and push anything. My next Alex/Izzie epic has died only two parts in, too. *sigh* Anyone want to give me a push to start writing more? :P
My dance team performed in Denver a couple weeks ago. It was so sad. LOL To be fair, 6 out of 10 have never performed in front of a crowd, and I've only done it once before, so we actually did really well considering. Also, we'd only had nine practices (our real showcase is May 17th and we were invited at the last minute to our sister studio's showcase on April 5th), so again, we did pretty well. But oh. So many mistakes. *sighs and grins* At least we can call it a learning experience, the other women now have a feel for performing, and we still have a few more practices before our next showcase. So the next one is going to be stellar. :)
Finally caved and watched Twilight. OMG, there are not enough words to explain how much it bugged me. Now, I'm not a die-hard fan of the books, but I do enjoy them for the fluff. And I'm one of those people who's extraordinarily critical of book-to-movie adaptations because the movie is never as good. But this? Was just painful. Kristen Stewart as Bella was wooden and zombie-like. She's not even going to have to "act" for the first half of New Moon, she can just be herself. :P And they added in so much extra crap and took away some good/important parts. And the things they did adapt from the book, they did a crappy job. Only putting in half of the scene/deleting important explanation and exposition, or doing it so incredibly melodramatically. I know a lot of people groaned at how cheese-tastic the "glittering in the meadow" scene was, but I thought the "Edward runs with Bella on his back" parts were ten times worse. Overall, I would say this movie was just a big plate of ham and cheese, and I could have lived without it. Now it makes me appreciate the books even more. (I do have to give Robert Pattinson credit, though-I didn't think he could pull off Edward at all, and he actually did a pretty decent job. The only thing I think he failed at was the "velvet and honey voice", and to be fair, I don't think there's a single actor out there who could do that.)
Oh, one more random tidbit. Prenatal vitamins? Taste like ass. I don't really know what ass tastes like, but it couldn't be any worse than this. I've been extraordinarily lucky with not having morning sickness too bad (a little queasy now and then, mostly my stomach just hurts, and I've not thrown up once), but every single time I take one I want to heave. I gag and choke trying to swallow the stupid things, and I'm a veteran pill-taker. I'd like to be done with this part now, please.
*sigh* Only six more months to go.