Feb 12, 2007 14:26
Yesterday was the greatest day of my life so far...why? Read on..
At training we got through loads of stuff, I mean LOADS. I still cant do a few of the things, but the things I can do Im getting pretty good at.
Sunday was my first encounter with the dreaded CHOP. Thankfully Traci - a fellow female trainee - was there so we had a wee chop battle. Micken & Soares also chopped me. Chops are not as bad as I thought...dont get me wrong they hurt, they sting, and they break blood vessels..but I suppose Im just surprised at how much pain I can withstand. You see, I dreaded chops because I seriously thought I would cry!!
Another first, was getting in the ring. We had an open tag match...basically we got split into baddies & goodies..I was a baddie :D YAS! Anyhoo, people got in, wrestled a bit and tagged out. I got in 3 tmes. First time was a shambles cuz I was too scared to try things I hadnt learned. Was good being int he ring with Traci the 2nd time cuz shes experienced & talked to me so I knew how to react. Being in the ring with Soares was also fun and I gave him the most spectacular chop ever...my proudest moment thus far.
Got the bus with Soares n Micken to ICW. Micken seriously rocks, hes just so cool to us & treats us with respect even though we havent earned it. I try my best though...I try to treat everyone with respsect and help out as much as I can & apparently thats rare this early on so maybe thats why.
ICW was good, actually I think I'll update about that seperatley another time soonish.