Flas backs to my 18th... Lol.

Feb 22, 2009 21:02

Doo be doo..
All continues to proceed well in the life of Kitty.
Holly's party was - well, interesting to say the least.
Turned up in purple faery wings and stripey pink stockings - had to wait at Freo trainstation for Sorcha to come and pick me up for about fourty five minutes.
This was no easy feat, as sitting in a station filled to the brim with shrieking six year olds, grunting neanderthals in backwards baseball caps and tut-tutting old ladies while clad in purple lipstick, sparkly wings and a scandalously short tutu style skirt is not the most comforting position in the world.

Although, had two old dears tell me that I looked 'quite lovely in your pretty wings', so was not total disaster.
Mike showed up later with THE coolest wristband I have ever seen, and Ryan-the-Canadian mooched into the station looking unusual in that he was totally void of make up.

Sorcha finally arrives, and off we toddle to Holly's house, where the guest of honour prances around happily in a black and white polka dot dress and pink hair ribbons, showing everyone her new gifts of barbie memorabilia.

Kitty is announced 'officially goth' when Holly opens her 'birthday card' (actually a 'with sympathies' card with a silly message inside) and is then hugged upon the opening of her gift to the birthday girl: A carebear teddy.

And so the party proceeds:

Sorcha gets totally trashed and spouts wisdom about the singing vagina.
Ryan-the-Canadian burns things,
Holly squeals and hugs everybody,
Peter gets trashed and babbles emo at Kitty,
Ryan-the-Canadian burns more things.
Kitty decides to draw on Mike's newly shaven head.
..Kitty is then named tattoo artist of the evening, and draws on everyone else.
Ryan-the-Canadian makes a bonfire out of barbeque chicken and paper plates.
Sorcha demands more passion pop. Proceeds to get even more trashed and then calls Daniel a five cent carrot whore.
Ryan-the-Canadian gets trashed: burns things.
Kitty laughs at the trashed people and takes video footage of them.
Nikki announces that she is dying her blonde hair black. Is forbidden on pain of cheese grater to do so by irate Kitty.
Ryan-the-Canadian (now utterly trashed)announces that there is no 'i' in teamwork.
People laugh at Ryan-the-Canadian.
Sorcha and Peter decide to play tonsil hockey. Have to be separated with a crowbar.
Ryan-the-Canadian denies the fact that he is Canadian. Announces that he is in fact, Japanese.

And so the evening proceeded, until it was time for bed. All present sleep in the garage on mattresses and blankets. V.Cosy.
Kitty is next to a very very drunk Ryan-the-Canadian, who is still denouncing his Canadian-ness and insisting that there is "No 'i' in teamwork" and a funny hobbit person named Sam, who proceeds to chew on Kitty's hair..0_o*

Conversation topics that night:
Whether or not Zebras can have a sex change,
The liklihood of psychopathic axe-murderes getting into the garage.
...and who would be first on the chopping block were they to get in,
How to convert a toaster into a microwave,
Toasters in general,

It was deemed necessary at the time to separate (red haired) Sorcha from (blue haired) Peter, as it was feared that were they to continue their *ahem* 'current activities', we would shortly be plagued by an army of purple haired emo babies. Guess who got put on 'Don't let drunk people have sex' watch? ....Yeap. You got it.

And the best quote of the night goes to:
Ryan-the-Canadian, for his quote:
My dick's so big, I broke the microwave..

Well, it was amusing at the time.

And that concludes Kitty's LJ coverage of Holly's party.

Quotes From Weekend Festivities:

'your a fucking horse radish'
'your a fucking pineapple'
'your a chunk of corn'
'your a 5c pineapple whore'
(while laying on the lawn) 'i'm swimming!'
'i wanna eat your shoes'
'singing vagina'
'my singing vagina sings opera see - FIGARO FIGARO'
'my singing vagina will eat your nose'
'my vagina will eat your face'
'my vagina will suck out your piercings'
'lee, your a pie fucker'
'i'll fuck you with a turnip'


'my dick is so big it broke the microwave'
(after stepping down a tiny step) 'shit, theres a cliff there'
'theres no 'i' in team work'
'i'm not a canadian, im from japan'
'i'm a fucking osbourne parkian!'
'shut up ryan' (yes, he woz telling himself to shut up)
'if you give me $5, i'll shut up'
'i'll give you $35 for a shot'
'yous need to control your alcohol'
(to me and mike - mike is wearing a murderdolls shirt) 'yous need to start a band called the murderdolls - look! you already have your own shirt!'
'i dont say 'aboot' i say 'aboot''
'if you want me to shut up say: "please be quiet ryan please"'
'what are you talking aboot?'
'why isnt the water melting?'
'why does everyone think i'm funny, i'm trying to be serious, i have something to say!'
(halfway thru a sentence) '.....goodnight....'
'and thats the end of my story...'
(while tipping his drink everywhere nicole stop him...) 'thank you for being such a good friend, i wish i had a friend like you'


'theres something on my leg! - oh its my foot...'
'the carpet is squishy'
'rubber ducky your the one... you make bath times lots of fun...'


'i have 8 arms'
'i'm a homophobe'
'no aidon, i wont have sex with you, your only 13!'

well that woz our wiked weekend quotes... im sure theres more, we just havent remembered yet...
byebye all

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