Jan 27, 2012 20:24
Wandering mind... Jabbering... never ending nonsense.
I cant believe I once said I was going to do Pilates? Who the fuck was that person?
That person was a liar, lies about updating... it's nearly been 3 years!
I don't even know where to begin to catch up.
Probably quite simply I could say where I am now in life because how I got here is quite boring.
Still living in the same place as per my last post, cept for it is remarkably different now. We've invested a lot of time and money into it and it is almost done.
We now have just one cat, Willis and a puppy, Jessie, who we acquired about 9 months ago. She's an absolute joy, so funny and love-able.
A year a go I was offered the managers job at our town store so that has kept me really busy... as in I've hardly stopped to catch my breathe all year. At the end of the day I am so exhausted, I cant hear, see, speak or move! No jokes! I used to enjoy being so in to my job, but now it's eating away at my whole life.
Time for a change... I will keep you posted.