
Dec 31, 2005 03:22

After that last episode, Wyoming decided that his chance of affiliating himself with the reds was now slim to none. Bother, he had wanted a chance to fight Allison and her freinds. Now he would be forced to work and live with them if he wanted to survive this place. Living in a cave did not suit a gentleman like himself. Especially when a trigger- ( Read more... )

wyoming, flowers, first caboose, church, simmons

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pvt_church December 31 2005, 20:25:33 UTC
Church surveys the no man's land between bases through the site of his rifle from a comfortable niche far behind the base, grinning into the barrel. His spirits are lifting a tad from the turmoil brought on by the sudden changes at his base. He almost feels up to looking at Tex with a straight face again, even.

His grin disappears when his sights fall on a red soldier making his way from the caves to the blue base. The guy's pace is too stiff to mark him as Sarge. It's gotta be the new rookie Donut was bitching about. Slowly, the grin returns. Church has no idea what the kid wants from the blue base, but he knows exactly what to give him. Carefully, he cocks and aims his rifle, setting it to go off maybe a few inches off the side of the guy's head. Once he pulls the trigger, he lets the kick drive him back so he can roll and sneak to another location in the brush before the guy can trace the vapor trail to him. Teach the rookie where his territory ends.


freelancer_w December 31 2005, 21:20:34 UTC
"Oh dear lord!" Wyoming exclaimed as the shot was fired. Automatically, he hit the deck.

"Did you forget what colour you're wearing!?" His AI shouted.

"Fuck lot I can do about it!" Wyoming shouted back. The last thing he wanted or needed was to fight and armed blue when he was seeking refuge from the reds. Even with Finny suggesting violence.

"The last time I listened to you, we ruined any chance of associating with the reds. I will solve this on my own."


"Don't be alarmed!" Wyoming shouted, hands up, "I am no red! This is Freelancer Wyoming! I wish to make peace with you!"

If that's anyone I know I shall scream.

You're going to have to make peace with all of them, better get used to it. Time to swallow your pride, old boy.


pvt_church December 31 2005, 21:41:32 UTC
"Jesus Christ," mutters Church when he hears the man's name. Where the fuck did THIS guy come from? Is there just a huge fucking hole in the sky that anyone and their fucking grandmother can jump in? He scowls and opens his comm unit, checking the wave for Wyoming's notch. "Well, if it isn't you," he spits quietly into the radio, not too keen on showing his face for now. "What the hell are you doing here?"


freelancer_w December 31 2005, 22:23:16 UTC
"Trying not to get shot!"-you twit!"I just got attacked by those sodding reds! That new one has my armour." He smiled, "I killed him and got this number. He miraculously rose from the dead and sicked his sargent on me. It sounds mad, but I assure you, it's true."

Leonard Church, of all the- He cursed, "When you blew us all to kingdom come, I was knocked into a coma of sorts. You're the first civilisation I've seen since my recovery. I haven't been able to contact anybody." He grit his teeth and forced himself to use his most polite manner, "If you could be so gracious, I seek your protection until I can retrieve my armour and get out of"-this damned place-"here."

This was worse then trying to swallow a thick, cold dumpling.


pvt_church January 1 2006, 00:24:30 UTC
"Fat fucking lot of luck you're gonna have gettin' outta here," grumbles Church. Something doesn't sound right here, and Church is a little uneasy. "What makes you think you're gonna make friends here, anyway? You left me in a cell. You tried to fucking kill us. What gives?"


freelancer_w January 1 2006, 00:44:11 UTC
"I spared your life!" Wyoming cried indigently. He could have just killed him after all, "And it was Private Tucker I was trying to kill. And I was working under orders of O'Mally. It was nothing personal. I have no quarrel with you. Right now I am on the shit list of the red team, so I need...an ally."

If Wyoming couldn't shoot his way out, then would bargaining, begging, flattery work either? Wyoming remembered what he disliked about Church now.

"If you're worried about Omega, I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since getting here. I have no idea if that contract is still intact since you detonated, considering that the whole job's gone to pot. Besides, he hasn't even paid me for the job....I'll make it up to you, if you want."


pvt_church January 1 2006, 01:44:43 UTC
"I couldn't care less about Omega," mutters Church. "He's a fucking pansy. There's nothing you could possibly offer us anyway, except another waste of space."


freelancer_w January 1 2006, 02:58:38 UTC
Wyoming grimaced. Phinehas was being quiet but he knew what he was thinking. He felt his blood pressure rise. Suddenly living in a cave didn't seem so bad anymore.

But he wasn't about to back down.

"If its space you want, we can get as much as we want out of the red base." Wyoming suggested. Trying to charm Church was like trying to charm a disease, "I was merely informing you that I am no longer honoring the contract I have with him. Therefore, there is no need to worry about trechery on my part. I am merely appealing to your baser instincts."

"I'll tell you what, give me a name and I'll have his helmet back here filled to the brim with his own blood; excluding my own of course. You know I'm good for it."

I should have killed this bastard when I had the chance.


pvt_church January 1 2006, 03:19:17 UTC
Church chuckles dryly. "Don't even bother trying, man. It's not your style. You can hole up in one of the empty bunks on one condition. You don't touch my comrades. You don't touch the reds. You don't touch our stuff without permission. You don't fuck with our database, our tank, anything. You get your armor back, you get your superiors on comm and go home. You break ANY of those rules..." Church growls menacingly into his radio. "I'll make you so sorry, you'll like it."


freelancer_w January 1 2006, 04:55:45 UTC
Wyoming grinned with a hint of sadism as he bowed, "Of course. I don't harm the reds? A curious requirement, but nonetheless I am a man of my word. I will be an absolute ghost." And with that, he walked stiffly toward the blue base.

"Oh, and Happy New Year."


pvt_church January 1 2006, 18:04:31 UTC
"Suck it, merc." Once Wyoming is inside, Church breaks from the brush and jogs down to the base to keep an eye on him. The last thing he needs is for the creep to go off on Tex if she's in there- or worse, be a lying sack of crap and try to kill Cap, thinking he's Tucker.

But then again, maybe he'll be stupid enough to piss off Caboose. Church grins when he gets to the back door of the base, pulling it open and slipping inside to supervise.


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