Hearts are fragile toys...

Dec 06, 2005 21:32

Church trudges into the base, his mind heavy with guilt and dread. He checks the time in his visor display- 06:22. He took awhile to get here, that's for sure. Usually when he comes home from the cave, he makes it here by 5, and nobody around here wakes up until at least 7. He debates the idea of waking Caboose up this early- on the one hand, Caboose will be half out of it and maybe think Church is talking about a tea party or something, and retain the concept once he's fully awake. On the other hand, he could be irritated by being awake so early, and get really pissed- maybe go on a rampage or something. Church sighs and sets his rifle against the wall in the kitchen, careful to put it somewhere it won't be too easily seen and accessible. He rummages in the cabinets for dishes and food, keeping an eye peeled for the dehydrated fruits Caboose likes so much. He sets a couple of bowls on the counter and dumps boullion powder with dried vegetables into them, reaching out to turn the hot water on in the sink. From what he's seen, Caboose loves this soup stuff, and would probably be tickled pink to have it for breakfast. Church sneers and berates himself- way to manipulate the situation, Cassanova. The way to a man's heart...

He sighs a few minutes later, setting the bowls on the table over a couple of heat pads, and a small plate of dried pear halves between the bowls. Good enough. He walks quietly down the hall, from the kitchen to the sleeping quarters. He opens the door and slips in quietly, letting his visor settings adjust to the darkness and assessing where everyone is. Good- Tucker's against the wall on the opposite side, making this a lot easier. He smiles wanly upon seeing his and Caboose's beds pushed together. They did that the day after they first... yeah. He frowns to himself, closing the door behind him with a quiet click, and reaching up to unlatch his helmet. That was also the day after his first time with Donut. Christ... he couldn't go a day without finding another piece of ass, could he? His mind lets loose a string of curses and retribution for this as he silently releases his armor and sets it on the floor where his bed used to be. Once he's down to his bodysuit, he sits down on his bed and leans over to stroke the side of Caboose's arm. The kid looks so sweet and peaceful... chances are, this is the last time Church will get to see him this way from this close. He leans further and kisses Caboose's forehead.

"Hey, rookie. C'mon, wake up," he murmurs, giving Caboose's arm a gentle shake. "I made you breakfast... I've got something to tell you."

first caboose, church

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