Air Freshener

Dec 13, 2006 11:27

He wondered if someone heard the thud of his rucksack hitting the floor. Full of bloodied bandages, empty rations containers, electronics, ammo, anything and everything.

He felt tired, but knew he couldn't just hang up and have time for himself right then. He'd been gone for... how long he didn't know, he had lost track. His helmet was pulled off and he rubbed a hand through his gritty hair. River water lasted for so long in a good wash. After shuffling out into the hallway that lead towards the ladderwell, he took up his stride, clearing his throat and clomping up the stairs. So much he had missed, he knew, but hopefully someone would be there to fill him in, welcome him back, just something...

Not to mention he had a few Blues to chew on, too...

Taking in a deep breath, he swung out into the main flagroom of the base, wincing at the sunlight.


steev, open, sarge, red zealot

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