Alternative to feeling like myself

Sep 24, 2006 11:43

Old at being young, young at being old, everything's been sold to others, revolution.

Butch sighed, rubbing his temples. He was sitting at his desk, paper work covering it, along with the laptop he'd brought from leave. There was just too many things to do, too much to catch up on. He'd just finally started doing captain-ish things... which mostly consisted of  the paper work he'd slacked off on before. The captain sighed. His headache was tenfold worse than when he had started, unable to locate his glasses. The room he usually shared was disasterous, clothes and random stuff everywhere, even a couple guns lying around... hopefully with the safety on.

He rubbed the bracelet around his wrist, then began to start on the work again.

[I LIVE. And yes, open!]

flowers, open

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