Garden of Eden

Jun 24, 2006 15:58

A rather loopy Flowers sat against the back of blue base, in boxers, with a lit cigarette hanging from his lips. He wasn't smoking his treasured plants, but rather this cancer stick he had swiped from one of the rooms in the base, along with a lighter. Was he weening himself off the ganja, or what? Leonard didn't like his weed, and he didn't like ( Read more... )

flowers, caboose

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pvtcaboose June 25 2006, 00:31:37 UTC
Caboose's head hurt too much to sleep on. The cut was aching dully, and it was bothering him to the point that he couldn't even stay in his room. And so, he wandered around blue base, clad in naught but a pair of blue pyjama pants and a white t-shirt (the one with the kitten on it was in the laundry).
Once he had satisfied his urge to explore the inside of the base, he ventured outside to search for more interesting locations. He blinked when he recognized a lone figure sitting behind the base.

"Mr. Cappy? Why are you sitting here all alone?" He asked, trotting over and floping down next to him.


cappy_flowers June 25 2006, 14:15:08 UTC
Butch slouched more, blowing out some smoke from his nose. So he had company. A quick glance from the corners of his eyes revealed it to be... Caboose, of all people. Hadn't seen the kid since forever, if that.

The blue gave a shrug, not particularly minding the company, but not exactly requesting it. He was having an "issue" as some would call it, but he doubted the private would even know what was going on. It was late, after all.

It was a while before he answered, but a couple puffs on his cigarette let him answer. "Thinking." He smiled. "Isn't the night pretty?"


pvtcaboose June 25 2006, 23:07:18 UTC
Caboose tilted his head, then turned his gaze from the Captain to the night sky. Stars sparkled like little candles hanging in the endless curtain of black velvet that cloaked the sky. "It is pretty. I like it when the sky is shiny."


cappy_flowers June 25 2006, 23:15:08 UTC
"I do too," he replied quietly, slouching into himself more.



pvtcaboose June 26 2006, 00:31:47 UTC
Flopping onto the ground next to Butch, bringing a hand up to the cut on his forehead. He winced in pain, as the cut was still tender. "What is wrong, mr. Cappy? You do not seem very happy." He grinned inwardly at his unintentional rhyming.


cappy_flowers June 26 2006, 00:51:07 UTC
It was tempting to just not answer the soldier, but that would have been rude. "I'm just thinking about people," he began. "What they're doing, where they are... things like that."

Butch heaved a sigh, running his free hand through his hair, knocking the tie out. He didn't really care, but he didn't want to lose the piece of material either. It was the last one he could find, since Church usually yanked them out and tossed them willy-nilly.


pvtcaboose June 26 2006, 01:11:27 UTC
"Oh... Well... maybe you should not think about it, if it makes you sad." Caboose said, retrieving the hairtie from the floor and handing it to Cappy. Placing a hand on Butch's shoulder, he shot a kind smile at him. "Maybe you should try to think about happy things! Or maybe... Nothing! Thinking about nothing is easy. You just stop thinking about one thing, and don't start thinking of something else!"


cappy_flowers June 26 2006, 02:31:34 UTC
Cap messed with the tie in his hand, stretching it out. "It's not that easy. These people mean more to me than breathing."

That pot was looking mighty tempting now... All he really wanted to do was escape, even for a few moments. That'd be breaking his promise to himself, and possibly even Church. It was tempting... but he couldn't.

...or could he?


pvtcaboose June 27 2006, 22:42:23 UTC
"Oh... I am sorry that you are feeling sad, Mr. Cappy. Is there anything that I can do? I like to help." Shooting a bright grin at the senior officer, he squeezed Butch's shoulder gently.


cappy_flowers June 30 2006, 14:32:13 UTC
Butch returned the grin, chuckling. "Get stoned off your ass with me?"


pvtcaboose July 1 2006, 15:43:36 UTC
Pausing for a moment, Caboose blinked owlishly. He did not know what that meant, but maybe it would be fun! "Well... I do not know what that means. But if it will make you feel better, then yes. Yes I will."


cappy_flowers July 1 2006, 18:25:18 UTC
He chuckled, relaxing slightly. "Then can you go grab some paper from the base?"


pvtcaboose July 1 2006, 18:32:15 UTC
Caboose nodded and trotted off, returning shortly with a small stack of paper. Handing the papers to Cappy, he knealt down and looked on, both curious and confused.


cappy_flowers July 5 2006, 01:00:32 UTC
After a couple joints were rolled and lit, he handed one to Caboose, smiling. "Just follow my example..."

And he began to smoke!


pvtcaboose July 5 2006, 01:23:48 UTC
Bringing the joint slowly to his lips, Caboose breathed some of the funny-smelling smoke into his lungs. He coughed quietly and blinked a few times. "Hey Cappy... is it supposed to taste this funny?" the rookie asked, eyeing the joint.


cappy_flowers July 9 2006, 19:22:07 UTC
"Yes," he chuckled, blowing a line of smoke out of his mouth. "You'll get used to it." Green eyes looked towards Caboose, already relaxed. "Virgin lungs?"


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