Jun 17, 2006 18:03
Church slumps over the table with his chin on his arms, glaring at the bracelet sitting on it. A small piece of paper is crumpled in his fist. He knew it was bound to happen. But he wishes he knew WHY. His sense of logic suggests that maybe the ceasefire is over, but if that were the case, there'd be a lot more noise. As it is, it's almost like a big fucking apartment complex.
He lifts his head and smooths the paper back out on the table, watching it numbly. "Starting over. Sorry, F." stares back up at him in neat, cursive lettering. He wonders bitterly why this couldn't be told to his face, or before he went on leave. His hand reaches for the bracelet and grips it, thumb running over the small "LLC #0000146379" engraved on the ID bar. He could really use a drink... but he promised Cap one in the morning, one before bed, and cut down from there. Lot of fucking good promises are doing him now, though.
(( event set up for Grif, and approved by previous Donut. ))