Friends add update

Feb 01, 2009 04:49

Did a friend's cut. I have one private and one public entry talking about this.
If you feel wrongly deleted or like I didn't give you enough of a chance then comment here and I may re-add you. You were all okay people, I just tightened security because I'm sick of being screwed over.

If you want to add me on myspace feel free, I already have 4000 something friends on there whats one more,but this is my private world and that is very different.

Please be warned: That I go from emo to bitch in 2 seconds,
From giggly to weeping in 5.
If you can't handle people being emotional, don't add me.

If you don't like sex talk. Don't add me.

If you wanna diss me up in this grill don't add me.

If you can't handle people that are like a billion different people in one body... and are immensely weird don't add me.[No I do not have Split personalities, Just god had a weird sense of humor and made a lil girl who was stranger then anyone else in existance.]

More Rules~ I will not add anyone I know in real life,
I will no longer add people without them commenting on my friends only entry.
Feel free to add me if you can adhere to these rules.
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