a girl

Feb 19, 2005 14:54

about 3 days ago i started a reltionship with this girl. well it ended yesterday. how fuckin stupid. such a waste of time. she told me that she didnt like me like that anymore and she is the one who told me she liked me in the first place it took a while before i started likin her too and then when we start somethin she has to end it? what the fuck i mean she didnt even give me a real reason. this is why i hate girlsfriends and relationships. life works out better when you are at a party or hangin out and ther is a girl. you make out fuck do whatever and nothin comes of it. things seem to go alot better that way noone gets pissed off or hurt by it. the more i think about this the more angry i get and the more i feel that talkin to her at all was a complete waste of my time. cuz i got nothin out of it except the frustration on wht i was goin to do about my friends cuz only 2 of them liked her the rest which are the ones that i hang out with didnt like her. so i would have to divivde my time for the 2 and we all couldnt hang out as a group or anything. so now its over thats the only good thing i dont have to deal with. but yeah any way she pisses me off i told her we would be friends but i dont want to talk to her until i get a reason for waht she did a reason that is beleiveable and i already know what it is. i know she likes someone else or its such that im to fat and embarrasing for her to be around its one of those.
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