(no subject)

Sep 23, 2005 17:33

Your daily dose of Goth. Welcome.

Having done absolutely nothing the past week except get a C+ for my German essay (disappointing, to say the least, I couldn't find the word rewarding in my G-E, E-G dictionary, and used dankbar instead. Didn't work. Used the translation for emphasis instead instead of anstrengend. Grah.) and confess a past crush who apparently past crushed me but I am now totally over that letsnottalkaboutthatthankyouverymuch. My perpetual state of angst has bought me very close to cracking and just yelling the hell out of everyone. I've never done that before - I will one day. Other 'accomplishments' include gaining yet another two girls in our tiny class (in this school year we have about eight new girls and one new boy. It sucks) My mum is suspicious of my computer activities, and blamed me for the internet screwing up because my brother did something to it, but I explained it to her and the world righted itself by an angle or two.

Mooncake festival is now over, so no more mooncake, obviously. It happens to be one of the yummy snacks on the planet, but now I have to wave it goodbye until next year.

My huge Saiyuki poster has not gone up on the wall yet, but it will soon. sasateq , beauty that she is, gave it to me for my birthday. It's over a metre tall, and made of material, so it can't be ripped. She also helped me revamp my totally shiny journal, and we sucessfully uploaded a bunch of bee-yu-ti-ful pictures, and my thank you pic to anonymous has finally agreed to stay uploaded. Go check it out, whoever you are!

Thank you for all the funky stuff that I am now able to do! As a side note, I was close to using the cuteness attack, but we weren't able to change the background properly. Be glad ^^

Back to the bad stuff, I have lost the will to write. Or even read. The only thing I'm interested in is webcomics right now. www.fallencomic.com, for example. Or, www.questionablecontent.com Both of them have livejournals too. I also have the urge to learn how to do all that stuff, but I haven't the time, patience, money, or programs. Very bad combo. I have a reasonable confidence in my drawing skills that I could make a simple two or three strip comic, although it would be no masterpiece.

I've been feeling rather harassed at school, because each of my teachers give me homework, and no matter how little or much it is, they all pile up. No one is taking exactly the same subjects as me either, so I can't grouse about it. My German and French, however, are suffering terribly. And Mandarin. Physics, my favourite science subject, has refused to let me understand it. I got 26% in my last maths test. Only genius girl passed though - our teacher gave us an 80% pass mark and only Nat, the math extraordinaire, The only subject I feel passably sure that I'm alright with is English. Art, on the other hand, is killing me.

However, this being tomorrow and that being yesterday meaning this is really today but it's tomorrow in relation to the other paragraph - it was the first day I had only two pieces of homework. Bliss. I watched up to episode eight of Bleach instead. Love it, although I already find it is like Saiyuki in a way, there are the extra Hollows who are defeated oh-so-easily, and the hard ones that have always instill doubt in/ are somehow related to the characters. It's the same in Inuyasha. My brother and I have Seasons One and Two, which is 120 eps, but we can't find season three. Which is rather a shame since the episode is a to-be-continued. More growls.

Over the weekend, though, I did manage to go to Kinokunia and buy manga from my birthday money - and I am now the proud owner of Getbackers vol. One (sasateq! You bent the page! Die!), Blame vol. One (the backgrounds are amazing... the artist used to be an architect.) and Diablo (oh em gee squeeful). I also managed to get Trigun vol. Two off my dad as a reward for accompanying him to the supermarket XD

I spent last night watching the wierdest Harry Potter spoof, and rereading/editing the only fanfiction I have ever written for it. I intend to finish it eventually, but I seem to have the weidest block. I know exactly where its gonna go, what the characters are gonna do, but every time I open the file it looks at me wierd and I close it. Yes, I do know that files can't look at you. No, I'm not insane.

I'll be away next week, but since I update so regularly (note the sarcasm) it doesn't matter so much. I'll write a big fat diary whilst I'm there! I wrote an computerized travel diary while in NZ earlier this year (it's the most beautiful place on Earth) but during the last few days I couldn't type fast enough, so that died with a few notes to myself to finish. Which I never did -__-

So... Yeah. My week's been going good and bad. ^.^ However, the bad things always seem worse than the good. Um, and if you really want to know, I had to throw away my lunch yesterday because it had ants crawling everywhere. I know they're nutritious and all, but I'm not that keen on live food. >.<

Blood_Debt, signing out.


meme rant

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