Quiz I stole from Raven

Jun 14, 2006 05:38

What is your name? Anna Lea
Are you named after anyone? Lea, from... gah, I don't remember.
What's your screename? DaemonicLove
Would you name a child of yours after you? Um, no
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be? Andre, probably
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be? Raven's. ;P
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly? My last name and sometimes even my first one.
Would you drop your last name if you became famous? I'd have a penname anyways...

Your gender: Female
Straight/Gay/Bi: I have reasons to believe I'm straight
Single? Yes
If not, do you want to be? Can't answer this one.
Birthdate: August 3
Your age: Top Secret! <3
Age you act: Um, it changes from about 9-20s
Age you wish you were: 16, cuz I wanna know what I look like. (^oo^)
Your height: 5'6"
Eye color: It changes, but it's usually hazel
Happy with it? I guess
Hair color: Wavy, brown, w/blonde and auburn streaks in it (had the streaks put in). Natural highlights are gold and red.
Happy with it? I suppose
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: Righty
Your living arrangement: Mom, Papa, little brother
Your family: Mom, Papa, Tripp [little brother]
Have any pets? Dog (Barnacle, 3), Puppy (Mystic, 11 months), Bird (Kirby, 3)
Whats your job? Student
Piercings? Just my ears
Tattoos? None
Obsessions? Hmmm... I think I'd have to go with the bishies in Kristina's and my list. ;P
Addictions? Video games, internet, music, mangas.
Do you speak another language? French
Have a favorite quote? "I don't trust anything that bleeds for more than three day and doesn't die."
Do you have a webpage? No

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment? I think so
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Depends on who it is.
Do you have any secrets? Yes
Do you hate yourself? No
Do you like your handwriting? Not really
Do you have any bad habits? Nail biting
What is the compliment you get from most people? Oooo... that I'm pretty is probably it. >.> Everyone likes my hair, my eye lashes, and my lips.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? They wouldn't even be able to touch the damn video camera... x3
What's your biggest fear? Losing a friend to suicide [had a bad dream about that last night]
Can you sing? Yes I can, but can I do it well? Pretty well.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? HELL NO!
Are you a loner? In style, yes. But I like being with my friends... they make me happy
What are your #1 priorities in life? To help others and have fun.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Probably not. -lol-
Are you a daredevil? Yes, but not if it's life-threatening or anything nuts.
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? I'm not I afraid of myself, but there are things I hate that I'm aiming to fix.
Are you passive or agressive? Reasonably agressive. I get bored of that after a while though...
Do you have a journal? Not a real one, no. Just a dA journal and this one.
What is your greatest strength and weakness? Strength- I'm able to take care of myself Weakness- My friends
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Probably how I treat some people
Do you think you are emotionally strong? You won't get anywhere in life if you're not
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? No shit, sherlock
Do you think life has been good so far? Pretty good
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? That not everyone's screws are tightly installed in them **cough**George Bush**cough**
What do you like the most about your body? I know what everyone else likes, but me, I'm not sure...
And least? My stomach and my skin
Do you think you are good looking? I'm good enough
Are you confident? Sometimes... depends on my mood
What is the fictional character you are most like? Ummm... I'm like A LOT of fictional characters. x3
Are you perceived wrongly? Ummm... probably just with strangers and people that don't know me too well

Do You...
Smoke? No
Do drugs? No
Read the newspaper? If something catches my eye
Pray? No
Go to church? No
Talk to strangers who IM you? Not unless they explain to me who they are and I remember them.
Sleep with stuffed animals? No
Take walks in the rain? Yes
Talk to people even though you hate them? Only to insult. ;P
Drive? Um, I would arrested due to my age.
Like to drive fast? It would probably depend

Would or Have You Ever?

Liked your voice? Yes
Hurt yourself? I tried to physically, but suceeded emotionally
Been out of the country? Many times
Eaten something that made other people sick? I believe so
Been in love? No
Done drugs? Nope
Gone skinny dipping? No
Had a medical emergency? No
Had surgery? Had stitches, but no surgery
Ran away from home? No
Played strip poker? No
Gotten beaten up? No
Beaten someone up? Yes
Been picked on? Yes
Been on stage? Yes
Slept outdoors? Yes
Thought about suicide? Yes
Pulled an all nighter? Yes
If yes, what is your record? I don't pay attention
Gone one day without food? No... my body is a food whore
Talked on the phone all night? No
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex? Only my lil' bro when we were munchkins
Slept all day? No
Killed someone? No...
Made out with a stranger? No....
Had sex with a stranger? I may be a food whore, but that doesn't mean I'm a WHORE
Thought you're going crazy? Yes
Kissed the same sex? Um, no
Done anything sexual with the same sex? No, I'm physically a virgin
Been betrayed? Yes
Had a dream that came true? Yes
Broken the law? Just a lil' misdemeanor crime
Met a famous person? I don't remember, but I don't care
Have you ever killed an animal by accident? I almost killed a bird by almost running over it with my bike... I felt bad for the rest of the day xD
On purpose? No, I never would
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Yes
Stolen anything? Yes, but nothing utterly important
Been on radio/tv? Yes
Been in a mosh-pit? No
Had a nervous breakdown? I don't knowd
Bungee jumped? Yup!
Had a dream that kept coming back? I've had two that I've had at twice... except they were longer the second time.


Believe in life on other planets? Yes
Miracles? Yes
Astrology? Not really
Magic? No
God? No
Satan? No
Santa? Only in the spirit of Christmas way, not the sumo wrestler that rides reign deers and freezes his ass off in the North Pole
Ghosts? Yes
Luck? Yes
Love at first sight? No
Yin and yang (that good can't exist w/o bad)? YES
Witches? No
Easter bunny? No
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever? Never thought about it
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? I want to find out...
Do you wish on stars? No...

Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? No
Do you think God has a gender? No
Do you believe in organized religion? No
Where do you think we go when we die? Why should I care?

Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? I don't think so
Who is your best friend? I have many
Who's the one person that knows most about you? Kristina
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? I don't know...
Your favourite inside joke? Hehehe, I won't say them as you would all go 'WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS WOMAN????!!!!'
Thing you're picked on most about? Sometimes my clothes...
Who's your longest known friend? As ones I see often, Kristina
Newest? I don't know...
Shyest? Kaeli
Funniest? Kristina and Josh
Sweetest? Josh (Shhhhhhhhhh...) and Lizzie
Closest? Kristina, Lizzie, and Josh
Weirdest? Kristina <3
Smartest? Rachel
Ditziest? Ciarra (She'll kill me for saying that... x3)
Friends you miss being close to the most? *sigh* Touchy subject.
Last person you talked to online? Oh god, that was so long ago...
Who do you talk to most online? Um, I'm never on IM anymore since I don't have it installed on this shit computer. x3
Who are you on the phone with most? Hmmm... no one
Who do you trust most? Kristina, Lizzie, Quinn
Who listens to your problems? Lizzie, Kristina, Josh, Quinn
Who do you fight most with? Jocelyn... but just goofy little ones. xD
Who's the nicest? Quinn, Lizzie, Kristina, Josh.
Who's the most outgoing? Ciarra
Who's the best singer? MOI! -lol-
Who's on your ****-list? Wha?
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? That's a personal question that I won't answer
Who's your second family? Kristina, DUH!
Do you always feel understood? No
Who's the loudest friend? Jocelyn
Do you trust others easily? Not really
Who's house were you last at? Josh's
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: Josh...
Do your friends know you? Well, I have reasons to believe a lot of them do considering their my friends
Friend that lives farthest away: Hmmmmmmmm... probably my French penpal

Right This Moment...
Are you going out? Bud, I wouldn't be typing on this thing if I were
Will it be with your significant other? What significant other?
Or some random person? What did I just tell you?!
What are you wearing right now? A lacy black corset-ish tank top with shorts
Body part you're touching right now: Are you a pervert?
What are you worried about right now? Nothing, really
What book are you reading? The Old Man and the Sea
What's on your mousepad? Um, this is a laptop, sweetheart
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: Bored, lazy, laid back, singing, itchy
Are you bored? Yes
Are you tired? Yes
Are you talking to anyone online? No
Are you talking to anyone on the phone? No
Are you lonely or content? Content
Are you listening to music? My Sanctuary- Utada Hikaru (Japanese version)

Breakfast food: Waffles!
Lunch food: Whatever I feel like eating. x3
Dinner: Whatever I feel like eating. [again!]
Snack: Pocky!!!
Fruit: None
Vegetable: Carrot!!!
Meat: Vegetarian
Bread: White
Restaurant: Cafe Mezzenote
Cookies: Chocolate chip
Cake: Spice Cake
Icecream: Mint chocolate chip
Candy: Sno-caps
Drink: Milk
Car: Hybrid
Animal: Kitty!!! >^.^<
Vacation: Mexico
Store: Hot Topic
Day of the Week: Friday
Month: None
Season: None
City: I don't have one
State: Dunno
Country: USA, UK, and Japan
TV show: I don't watch TV
Movie: House of Flying Daggers, Moulin Rouge, Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children...
Radio Station: I don't listen to radio often... but when I do it's either 99.5 (if I get bored and feel like listening to slutty music) or 101.5
Kind of music: Rock, Motown, Electronic/Tecno, Pop, J-Pop, J-Rock...
Singer: Jimmy Buffet
Band: There are innumberable bands
Hobby: Writing, drawing, singing, dancing, video games, taking walks, photography...
Holiday: Halloween
Color: Black, dark purple, crimson, and gold
Weather: Warm
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