Jan 30, 2005 00:23
today was great, i went to Kennybunk and saw my Mom. she's doing awesome, we went to Dunkin donuts and were talking about a lot of stuff, then we went to Rite Aid and i had to keep an eye out because my Mom likes to stick things in her pockets and walk out of stores without paying.. lol I really need a hug. driving standard makes me feel like an asshole because i used to stall out at red lights and people would honk and give me the finger, that's about how much intelligence they have. but i got it down, instead of trying to go 50 50 (let up on the clutch half way then put gas) i just rev it and then let go of the clutch slowly and everyone in the car cant move forward =D i finally got my camcorder that i was supposed to have on Christmas, granted it cost more than the one i returned from Christmas but its way better. its a Sony handycam digital8 the thing rocks. now i can get things like me trying to pee out of a moving vehicle on video. I'm going to use it for snowboarding and for when i go to parties but what the hell i might as well carry it where ever i go right? talking about snowboarding makes me with i had one and i lived near Shawnee peak. last Friday i went, i hit the box, the jumps, and the halfpipe. i was pulling tricks out of my ass. i did a reversed mute grab on my last run and no one topped it. it was fucking great, i kept calling it an inverted mute grab but that's when your in the pipe upside down doing it so i was wrong. but it was reversed. ill try and find a description of what i did
this is what i was doing and after is what i did on the last run!
grab name: Frontside Grab
description: Rider grabs the toe edge with his back hand between the bindings
grab name: chicken salad
description: Rider grabs the heel edge between the legs with his back hand.
Yeah so I was wrong about the names, who cares I still did them and I'm happy. =p next time I'm going to try and do a 180 chicken salad, starting out fakie landing normal. Basically, starting right foot forward doing the grab and spinning 180 degrees clockwise. sounds complicated right? Try landing it! I'm making a dvd of me, Robbie, Frankie (r) hitting the jumps, hitting the rails and if were good enough before the season is over the halfpipe. so yeah, i was boardsliding on the damn box when i didn't have enough speed so i ended up landing on my ass, its cool though it was only a waxed board with 2 rails breaking my fall =0 i still wanna hit the double box this year and make it, it will be hard to boardslide it because it is curved in a way that if you hit it funny the centrifugal force will send your nose down and your tail up making your face a prime target for a pole. and i really don't like smashing my face off poles. = ( its gotten to where i don't like snowboarding on the trails anymore as much as the park. there is maybe a few good jumps that will hop you about 5 feet high and about 7 feet forward, (if your lucky) but they are boring, to wait on a chairlift 15 minuets and then snowboard 5 minuets down the mountain to hit one jump? pretty damn boring if you ask me! especially when you gotta wait for the people your kinda hanging out with.
I've been kind of holding out on talking about my feelings in my journal because the person I like reads it and I don't know, just is kinda weird having someone I like know my feelings but I'm letting that bother me to much so here it is! Sabrina, she is so amazing to talk to, its like i can talk to her about everything and we usually talk about everything that comes to mind. she makes me laugh alot well almost always have amazing conversations, she always wants to know how my day went what i did and what I'm doing when were talking. she's opinionated, intelligent, funny, she smokes pot on occasion, and i always get a sense that when I'm talking to her she's 100% interested in what I have to say. I haven't seen her in the longest of times, but what i remember of her she was very pretty. she's cool calm and collected, she knows what she wants and tries damn hard to do well in school. (and she does) if i could change anything i would change what school i was currently going to, i would want to be going to windham. i think I'm done, im very vaunurable.... please dont hurt me...
♥ ♥ Vivez comme aujourd'hui où ses vos durent, parce que vous ne savez
jamais ce qui pourrait se produire demain ♥ ♥