for the record -- i'm shitfaced. i'm going to try and go through and correct any errors that may turn up due to the the amount of alcohol that's currently coursing through my veins. but anyway.... in case any of you who still have my as friends are curious... here we go...
1.smoked a cigarette: nope. although i've gotten into a fight about a lover doing just that.
2.smoked a cigar: nope.
3.made out with a member of the same sex: yeah. and it was amazing.
4.crashed a friend's car: nope. cross my fingers
5.stolen a car: no
6.been in love: absolutely
7.been dumped: yeah. i think. i dunno. it was confusing.
8.shoplifted: no
9.been fired: no
10.been in a fight: hell yeah. even some punches thrown too....
11.snuck out of your house: yeah -- although in hingsight the reasons for sneaking out kinda sucked...
12.had feelings for someone who didnt have them back: or so i thought
13.been arrested: no
14.made out with a stranger: hehehe hey year in australia... what's up?
15.gone on a blind date: yeah. never a good idea.
16.lied to a friend: sadly, yes.
17.had a crush on a teacher: errrrrr... yes.
18.skipped school: yeah
19.slept with a co-worker: hehehehe. poor life choice, aimee. but yes.
20.seen someone die: no
21.been on a plane: yeah.. so what?
22.thrown up in a bar: hehe yeah. australia wasnt kind to me.
23.taken painkillers: yeah. so what? someone or miss someone right now: definitely.
25.laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by: recently even...
26.made a snow angel: not for a while
27.played dress ups: hehehehe
28.cheated while playing a game: who hasn't
29.been lonely: i suppose
30.fallen asleep at work/school: not recently. chem 135 i suppose
31.used a fake id: all the time. good thing i look a lot like my sister.
32.felt an earthquake: only a mini one, yeah
33.touched a snake: yeah. and i have the pictures to prove it.
34.ran a red light: no. seriously. i'm that good. really.
35.been suspended from school: nope
36.had detention: yeah sure... who hasnt?
37.been in a car accident: yeah. and then skinheads threatened to kill my mom. that was cool.
38.hated the way you look: nah. i like me.
39.witnessed a crime: i don't think so.
40.pole danced: hehehehehe
42.been to the opposite side of the country: yeah, if montana counts.
43.felt like dying: no.
44.cried yourself to sleep: no
45.played cops and robbers: not really. isn't that something you do when you're 12?
46. karaoke: of course. yeah drunked rugby parties.
47.done something you told yourself you wouldn't: like give someone a second chance? yes.
48.laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? try 20 minutes ago hehe...
49.caught a snowflake on your tongue: it's summer. whaddya want?
50.kissed in the rain: no. never have.
51.sing in the shower: my poor roommates.
52.made love in a park: i guess... yes.
53.had a dream that you married someone: no
54.glued your hand to something: i think i just superglued myself to...... myself. yup. your tongue stuck to a flag pole: no
56.worn the opposite sex's clothes: why would you not?
57.been a cheerleader: nah
58.sat on a roof top: yes. at my house last summer. 'twas amasing.
59.didn't take a shower for a week: yeah. that's what backpacking's all about, right?
60.ever too scared to watch scary movies alone: never!
61.played chicken: nah
62.been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: no, i'm pretty sure i jumped in of my own accord thanks.
63.been told you're hot by a complete stranger: yeah, but he was 70 and wasted so that doesn't count,
64.broken a bone: nope. i think i'm lucky.
65.been easily amused: of course
66.laugh so hard you cry: heh yeah
67.flashed someone: mooned someone.. yes? flashed? nah... no point to it, really.
68.cheated on a test: no
69.forgotten someone's name: sure
70.slept naked: yeah
71.gone skinny dipping in a pool: yeah
72.been kicked out of your house: no. not yet anyway.
73.blacked out from drinking.: hehehehhehe not recently, but i have. i'll never forget the nights i can hardly remember.
74.played a prank on someone: sure
75.gone to a late night movie: yeah. cinderella man.
76.made love to anything not human: what does that even mean?
i'm too drunk to ponder these questions further. i just met my blockmates girlfriend. scandalous, really. but i'm happy for them. i just wish mine would call. but i'm going to stop pining right..... now. that' all.
g'night all.