May 22, 2007 21:30
I am so excited. I'm driving down to Nashville to visit a very good friend of mine to celebrate my 32nd birthday this weekend. I'm excited about many things, which are:
1. Getting away from my life for a few days.*
2. Spending time with my cousin, who I'm driving down with. We always laugh hysterically when we're together. We laugh about our moms (who are sisters) and generally just have the same senses of humor about pretty much everything.
3. Experiencing some real Southern hospitality, which I always love. Not to mention the cooking. YUM!
4. Being in TN. I just loooooove TN. If they didn't have ice storms or such sticky summers, I would move there. (Though the idea of being away from my family is too hard at this point in my life with my sister's son being 2 years old and with her due in July to have a girl. Maybe when they're more grown up, I will move away to TN or Chicago.)
5. Even though I love my cat so much, I'm going to have 5 nights away from his quirks. With other people, he's totally normal and doesn't act obnoxious. But with me, he's obnoxious. Sweet beyond words, but...obnoxious at times.
*I spent yesterday morning in the emergency room for 5 hours, so I'm looking forward to my trip even more! I groggily woke up at 4 am with some fiery pain that just got worse around the area where they put my stent in. Around 5 am, I couldn't step on my right foot without falling to the floor. Most of the tests came back clear. Stent: clear. Infection: no. Kidney function: GREAT and healthy, according to the ER doc. But from the CT scan, they found a 3mm kidney stone sitting in my kidney (not sure what that means--is that big? small? normal?) and a lesion on my kidney. What in the heck does that mean? The ER doc said the lesion could have been from long ago. "What causes those?" I asked. He couldn't explain it without jargon, which I don't remember, other than, "Well, it could have been caused by the surgeries you had removing your left kidney..." WHAT? That was like 29 years ago. I had a CT scan of my kidney in the fall, and I don't remember my nephrologist or anyone else telling me about the lesion...or stone, for that matter. I'm waiting with baited breath to hear my nephrologist's report of what this means, and what I have to change (if there's even anything I CAN change). But in his opinion, none of this caused my issue in the ER. GRR this is so frustrating. It's so scary how little doctors ACTUALLY know. Where's Dr. Oz from Oprah when I need him?