The Works

Jul 06, 2005 21:55

Tuesday: Well today I slept in to like 1 which isn't really fun but my dad is kinda upset that I didn't go to the workout room but like usual i didn't really care. Soo all i did today was nothing.... Well except for tonight where i snuck out to go to richs which was really fun. Well hell we made plans to make some sweet shit and hell yeah it was. Even though it was 2 motars and a thing of bottle rockets it was maybe the second best firework i have ever made.

Rich you know we have to make more of those with more motars. Rich whoever those assholes where that were calling ur bro we will kick their ass! :p

Wednesday: Well today was a good day since the weight room was closed for some odd reason but i don't care :). well i have nothin to do so all i did was sleep and occasionaly looking on the computer. Still hyped up about the shit me and rich did but oh well.
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