Jun 30, 2005 23:41
hello... it has to be said that it is national beard week. HURRAH !!!! beards are the sex.
now... onto other matters today.
my dearest friend jess called me about 6.30 and said i could have a finch ticket. which was amazing. the gig was great too... randy had a tantrum coz his guitar broke. bless him. and nate is tiny. like, nate in my pocket sized. honest. they played a good mix of old songs and new and finished with what it is to burn. yay. they didnt play project mayhem... *shakes fist*
tomorrow is kings of leon day. i shall be attending with young mr max. that should be fun.
saturday is going to rule.... THE EIGHTIES MATCHBOX B-LINE DISASTER are at city... hurrah. good times with old friends i havent seen in years. AND... i get to see some crazy ass dancing from guy again. and the new guitarist in the shape of rich fownes... hurrah. how much fun can one person have in one weekend ??
sunday is a pisser tho. back to work. doom.
REM wednesday... bring out ur hankies...
right then.... i'll keep you all posted on the gig front, tho it wont be very indepth coz i suck...
every male should grow a beard.
love love love love all your ...