Aug 30, 2005 23:17
Ya know how when something goes wrong, everything seems to go wrong? Yeah.
Since the day started off well, I thought it would be a good omen about practice. Boy was I wrong. Practice sucked. Coach strait up told me that I had a bad practice. We ran a lot of suicides. She said tomorrow was going to be even worse. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. I like to think that I do the best after my worst days, and hopefuly that'll be the case tomorrow.
I was really excited that I was going to get to see my whole family next weekend, but it turns out only my mom is going to be coming to Middle Tennesse. At least I get to see her.
At practice I've been getting dizzy and I've been shaking for the last couple of weeks. Turns out I'm really dehydrated and I have to go the health center again. I'm not about to get sick and go through all that again. I refuse.
I miss people :(
So much on my mind. I need to get away from martin and volleyball for awhile. Not gonna happen tho.
Dinner was good.