Aug 29, 2005 10:50
So far so good. I am in between classes. It is raining, but it's still a good day. At 8:00 I had zoology this morning and I have some friends in there. Im a little nervous because I'm going to be missing all of the study groups because they're during volleyball class and I'm going to be missing a lot of Friday classes cause of roadtrips. And we are taking a lot of roadtrips this year. Then at 9:00 I have CPR and first aid with my weights coach, and as well I have some friends in there...even my assistant volleyball coach! As of right now, I dont' have another class until 1:00, so I can take a nap or whatever. Sounds good!
So our suitemate. Wow our suitemate. First of all, she is from Taiwaan and doesn't speak English. One of my friends, Andrea, is supposed to be living with her, but when she walked in the room, the Taiwaan girl started screaming hysterically saying it was her room and she doesn't have a roommate. When she takes showers, she is seriously in the bathroom for what seems like hours at a time, and when she is done, she leaves inches of water all over the floor. Hopefully she'll be moving out soon and Andrea will be moving in. She offered Shelby her house though, if she ever visisted Taiwaan.
I had some crazy ass dreams last night. Dreams about people I haven't seen in a long time. I dreamt that our suitemate peed with the toilet lid up, even though she's a girl. I had a dream that I lived on a lake and there was a really bad storm and tidal waves were comin in and there were tornados everywhere and there were a lot of people in the water swimming. Will was swimming and he wouldn't get out of the water and I begged him to get out so he wouldnt die and he wanted to keep swimming, so then he turned into a dolphin. I had a dream that I saw Sutton. I had a dream that one of the freshman tried to beat me up, but I kicked her ass. I also had a dream that we had volleyball practice in a swimming pool and we had to swim laps, but there was only a couple of inches of water, and we had to race and i kept getting scratched by the bottom of the pool. Shelby kept laughing at me and jumping on me so that I would get stuck under the water. I really hated her in my dream. Wow, I had a lot of dreams last night. And they all relate somehow to what happened during the day. Interesting.
I still have to do laundry today. Blah
I miss Jen Horton and our heart-to-hearts.