May 07, 2005 00:35
so.. blood drive today. oh my god most horrible experience ever. i go in there, and the guy like interviews me, and then i go to the doctor/nurse guy. and hes like "wait... you weigh more than 110?" and i was like "yes..." and hes like "ok, its not that i dont believe you but lets go weigh you" so he does, and i end up being 113 with clothes and shoes on... so if you think about it, thats like 109 110 probably. so hes like "well... its cutting it close, but we'll go for it anyways". so we get to the table, and he kept leaving me there like for 10 minutes at a time so i was freaking myself out pretty much. then he coems back over, and he trys to put the needle in my arm... only one problem; he can't find my vein. he tries for 10 - 15 minutes.. jabbing this needle into my arm from different angles and everything like 7 or 8 times. and i can feel it like twisting inside my arm. it was the most horrible feeling ever. Spag was holding my hand cause she was scared for me and she almost passed out from just watching. it was horrible, and i was like "well can't you just try my other arm?" and he said "legally, no i can't because you don't weigh over 120. To do a second try, you can't weigh as much as you do" so then he tells me "in the future, if you are even considering giving blood, you need to gain about 10 pounds" so how wonderful is taht? also, i just have a horrible bruise now. AHGHG!!!
then it was devins one night out... so we went to the baseball game. that was funny, we just talked the whole time and ate starburst, then we went to JD's with JD, Mike, Steve, and Trevor. wow what a guy conversation that whole night was. Very interesting.
this sucks so bad. AHH i miss him!
why are people always around at the worst times?