
Apr 30, 2005 20:13

so... i just registered for SAT's... which like was a HUGE eye opener.  Everything seems like its happening  super fast.   Like... its seems as though yesterday I was in the 8th grade!!! and now, i'm almost a senior.  Its scary.

and it got me to thinking about how i'm going to have to say goodbye to everybody.  like all my friends.  I see these ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

staywithme909 May 1 2005, 07:25:34 UTC
hey girl. i was bummed we coudlnt hang out tonight..hope you had a good night. when are you taking the SAT's? Im taking them next saturday (may 7th)..maybe we'll have it on the same day/at the same place? that would be pretty cool. anyway, see you monday! love ya!


johnedcampbell May 1 2005, 18:58:36 UTC
Look from where us seniors are sitting, we've got a little over a month until we'll never see most of the people from high school again.


Why look at the future and be freaked out and scared? We may as well enjoy it and have the times of our lives.

Worry about your school as far as grades and all that goes, but as far as people go - don't think about it. Just focus on having fun with them while you can.


hoopgurl421 May 1 2005, 20:11:33 UTC
i registered for it too. june 4th?? ahh scared


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