I promise not to mind if you go your way and I go mine

May 30, 2006 17:44

Men Suck. Well...some of them. It's just frustrating. I am SO annoyed right now.

So, first of all...this guy on the bus who looks like Dr. Burke likes me. Uh huh. So I usually try to just walk to work as fast as possible after I get off the bus. I thought I was good today...when he catches up with me (oh yes, once again) to say "You look cute today!". Umm. Okay. I said "Thanks" and glared at him as I walked a LOT faster. So that pretty much made me frustrated at the beginning of the day.

THEN I'm on the phone with a certain portable toilet company. This guy is just plain annoying to begin with. he calls me "young lady" in this super creepy way and is always trying to get me to pay him more(well, it's his job). Anyway, so today he's like extra creepy and throws in "Well, I might have to go over there and wrestle you for a better price". UM. NO you will not! My boss was like 2 feet away and I was like trying to figure out what to do, so I just ignored the comment. Then after I hung up, I turned to my boss and was like "that guy is annoying", so I feel like we won't use them for the event. He is so annoying and his sales needs some work.

Okay, so by then I'm tired and frustrated enough, and I'm just PRAYING this one kid isn't on the bus. Well. he is. and guess what? Yep, you guessed it. I was excited because he got on first, so I wasn't going to sit near him, but he waited until I sat down to sit down! I was so mad. And then he turns to me and is like "you're the pretty girl who types all day, right?" (because he asked what I did at work like last week and I told him I was on the computer all day). Then he tells me about Folklife and I was like "uh huh...the people there are really messed up" and he was like "there are messed up people all over, they just gather there." and I was like "YEP." and I think he got the picture at that point.

I'm sorry, but this is getting INSANE. I am not used to guys hitting on me at all, then I put on some clothes that aren't even attractive (button up shirts, etc), and they're all over? Right. Fucked up. And the attention really isn't as fun as people might think. It's sick. and annoying as hell. And I wish he was here to protect me! Damn it. Haha.

At least there was a nice guy on the other side of me on the bus who was applying for Environmental Graduate School of some type so I got to think about that for a while. I was really envious. If I could choose at this very moment, I would be an Environmental lawyer. I really would. But I can't get over the fact that I wouldn't be paid much. And I would have to pay for law school for myself. Can I double concentrate in Law school? I need to talk to someone who knows this stuff. But yeah, so I was jealous because that guy was pursuing his dream and he didn't care about the money! I just can't help it. It's really sad.

Okay, I am going to go running now...because I'm pissed off and I need to work it off. I was going to bike with dad, but he refuses to do the tandem and I'm too frustrated already to do the mountain bikes. I get SO mad, especially on the trail. I just can't do it when I'm already angry. Maybe tomorrow? But I think it's supposed to get rainy again. gross!
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