It's weird to be normal//014

Jan 02, 2009 15:44

Well our house changes back yesterday, so me and Kanin moves our stuff back dere. Oh and now when snow lands on me, and I don't changes into a lady anymore, so dat's good. Nothing seems weird rights now at all, so dat itself... is kinds of weird ( Read more... )

nots a lady, c: scales, draw your sword, mundane post is mundane, c: trust, c: honor, c: kanin, normalcy, c: ghost, c: cross, not bitching for once, c: fallen

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kanin_gitarist January 2 2009, 22:53:54 UTC
I'm glads it's normals! But that shouldn't be weirds.

The axe was from Truth!


blondsambitions January 2 2009, 22:55:41 UTC
It's am weird. I don't think since I was born dere wasn't a time withouts something stupid happening. 'Cept Las Vegas. I wish dat will comes back...

Okay, I don'ts know who dat is.


kanin_gitarist January 2 2009, 22:56:35 UTC
Ja, that's true. The book is kinda stupids.

He works at the hospital, he visited me a lots.


blondsambitions January 2 2009, 22:59:39 UTC
Don'ts even talks about dat! I will finds and BURNS DEM!

...or maybe chops dem with de battle axe. Ja, dat would be cool.

What's you mean he visits you a lot?


kanin_gitarist January 2 2009, 23:01:45 UTC
No, you can'ts do thats, it's kinds of likes a stupid magazines right? Nots true, but you can'ts just burns them ups or whatevers.

Well he works there, you knows? So he would comes and talks to me if I couldn't sleeps. He's nice.


blondsambitions January 2 2009, 23:06:21 UTC
Why de hell nots?

And dat's all?


kanin_gitarist January 2 2009, 23:07:04 UTC
Because. Watch, you can tries but nothings will works.


What's are you askings me because now I'm confused.


blondsambitions January 2 2009, 23:09:34 UTC
You don'ts know until you tries, Kanin. Don'ts be lazy.




kanin_gitarist January 2 2009, 23:10:08 UTC
I'm nots being lazy, I'm beings realisticals.

Nots nothings, what?


blondsambitions January 2 2009, 23:12:15 UTC
Realisticals in a place where you turns into a lady or wakes up a skeleton? I don'ts think choppings up books will be dat hard.

I'm not writings it here.


kanin_gitarist January 2 2009, 23:13:43 UTC
Some peoples likes the stupids thing.

Okays then tells me in person.


[QUICK LOG - GET] blondsambitions January 2 2009, 23:15:45 UTC
[Once Kanin gets home...]


[Has completely forgotten what he was going to tell him.]


[QUICK LOG - GET] kanin_gitarist January 2 2009, 23:16:45 UTC

[Has not forgotten. It seemed kinda random and kinda random tends to stick out when you're fixing showers.]

Sos...whats was the questions about Truth?


[QUICK LOG - GET] blondsambitions January 2 2009, 23:19:54 UTC
Questions about truth?

[His mind doesn't automatically take that in as a name. After a few moments of confused staring, the conversation over the journal comes back to him.]



Just asking if dere's no funny business is all.


[QUICK LOG - GET] kanin_gitarist January 2 2009, 23:23:33 UTC
[Okay now Kanin is more confused than he was to begin with.]

Whats kind of funny business?

Likes a clowns?

[Something deep in the back of Kanin's mind told him he shouldn't have said that.]


[QUICK LOG - GET] blondsambitions January 2 2009, 23:27:24 UTC
[Alexi very noticeably flinches. Something about Kanin, of all people, mentioning a clown doesn't sit well with him...]

No! Nots a clown! Don'ts ever say clowns again, dear Odin.


I meant if dat guy... or girl--I don'ts know--was hitting on you.


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