the future is belligerent. it tells me to work and worry. so even without sense, i stick to the plan.
with my career currently on hold, i have been looking for a job. the plan is to work something random...maybe going back to Walgreens, if anything just to have health insurance again and to make some money until i find a real job. the problem is i have these degrees, but i'm not entirely sure what i can do with them. furthermore, i don't even know what i want to do. so i come to my friends and ask your opinion: what am i suited to do? these can be serious or not-so-serious suggestions. i will try (or rather, consider) anything once.
as promised, the winner for the best solution to the Japanese Jellyfish dilemma: EVERYONE. Rich's idea of subsidized housing was the most creative...and probably the best solution for a neon lit Japan, but Jeff's Jellyfish Pits made me laugh the most.
and finally, game night suggestion: