Nov 15, 2009 03:25
I'm doing my own thing and I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not.
If people don't like me for who I am, then they shouldn't be my friend.
I'm at college to learn and meet NEW people.
Allison is awesome.
And I love Michael. So much.
Allison will hopefully be one of my roommates next year. She's in my sorority (obviously) and we're kind of similar in personalities (or vaules at least) except she can be kind of bossy and has a tendency to act crazy. For example, in my engineering group (because she's also in my engineering group) we came up with nicknames for ourselves at McDonald's one day. The two guys were Large Fry and Medium Fry, I was Small Fry, and Allison was Happy Meal because of her craziness.
On Friday, Michael said to me, "You know, I have a lot of friends...but you're the only person I'm really close to and consistent with right now, Laurel." In which I replied "Aw...yeah you're my only close friend too haha." Needless to say, Michael and I went to a gay masca-rave party tonight, danced our hearts out, and had a blast. I also met with my awesome engineering group today, went to a decent football game where I talked to Skok and Justin AND Lisak (who never hangs out with them!), ran into Michelle Walla, ate pizza rolls with Anthony, and then went to another party after the masca-rave party. So yeah, pretty much a perfect day.