May 22, 2005 10:50
hey i havent updated in a loonnqqq time.. where do i even beqin..???
lol ok well lets see.. my cruise was pretty pimp.. not a lot of hott quys but.. who am i to complain.. i qot outta school for 5 days! lol.. yeah and i qot REALLYYY TAN.. and burnt too lol but ohh well... ok.. well i qot back on monday and my school was havinq an end of the year party at the qolden qate pool so i decided to stop by and say hello.. which was pretty cool.. i qot to see everyone.. and they were all happy too see me.. so i felt pretty cool.. lol then on tuesday i qot back to school for the first day in a while.. and everythinq was back to normal.. well.. almost.. when is school EVER normal.. i had a lot of makeup work to do ;[ but i quess thats what i qet.... ohh yeah and then i qot in truble by my lanquaqe arts teacher for "beinq sassy"??? wow w/e lol and then hmm.. i dont reallly remember that week... oh yea.. friday i went to amandas.. and we went to the movies and went to see monster in law.. that was a qood movie.. and we only saw about 4 people.. like.. darii and mycalann .. and then eric zack and mike... hmm... borinq?? ya.. and then we went to mcdonalds and met up with eric and mike.. and mandas parents were sooo qoofy.. like her mom was drrruuunnnkkk... and shes HILARIOUS when shes drunk... then we qot home and took pics and went thru Bens yearbook.. and then went to bed... then i qot up the next morninq and whent home.. and yeah thats basically all i did...
then this week.....
Monday- wasnt very fun.. like all of our classes were borinq except for like.. science.. because me and rebekah like.. rule that class!!! hahaha lol and then after school i think we went to horsecreek?? but like.. it was almost all qone.. there were like no mountains left to climb on.. so we just climbed on the machines and took pictures.. and called tyler and pretended like rebekah liked him but she really didnt and awww... that kid is like.. IN LOVE WITH REBEKAH.. its soo cute.. but ... pathetic... lol yeahhh.. and then tuesday and wednesday i didnt do anythinq.. or thursday... then on friday i qot a referral from coach cofield for the COOLEST thinq ever???? NOTT! yeah and then after school i went to my aunts house... and babysat for her.. and that was kinda fun.. and then on saturday i went to amandas and helped her dad with his 5th qrade qraduation party... lol there were like.. 30 kids there... talk about crazy! haha yeah and then after that... we just watched TV .. for like.. one hour.. and then i went home and my aunt was here.. so i chilled with her and then i went babysittinq.. dammmnnn this weekend i made over $100 dollars.. so im most deff qoinq shoppinq for tonys party on thursday ;p
well today i am just qonna qo to the mall with my mom and qrandma... and then maybe later on ill meet up with rebekah or ty..?? im not sure yet..
but.. anyways
ill talk to you quys later..