Jul 13, 2005 22:18
So there isnt much going on with me. Just work, friends, and school. Im really getting fed up with summer school. Im pretty sure friday is going to be my last day. Thank god. The teacher is getting bitchier and bitchier as the weeks go on. and today at the end of class we had a test and then we were done, well after my test i fell asleep and the bell rings to get out of class and she tells me "dont bother comming to class if your gonna sleep" psh! whateverrrr.
Ughhhh i have cramps...cuz i just know everyone totally wanted to know.haha
Work is going good. Who would have ever thought that having a job could be fun. I deffinately like working at cold stone, and we get to pocket the tips and we actually make lotsa tips...especially last night cuz there was a big fundraiser.
Well i think im gonna go to bed early tonight. Or else ill really give my teacher something to bitch about tomorrow... speaking of tomorrow...hmmm im imagining there will be something exciting instore for me...we shall see.
Take time out of your schedule early this week to take care of basic concerns like health and housework. Your responsibilities might weigh more heavily on you than usual. During the middle part of the week, you'll want to make sure to listen to what those close to you are really saying -- use your intuition, even if you don't fully trust it. Emotional difficulties will pop up on Friday and Saturday, and you might feel upset for no reason that you can discern. Your mood will lift by Sunday, and you'll feel like taking on the world again.