Take the quiz:
"What piercing are you?"
You're the popular girls at school. You like your lip gloss, boys and....er...boys. You are confident and have fun with your friends but you dont like to mix with the unpopular kids
Take the quiz:
"What Type of Psycho Are You?"
Hears voices
Take the quiz:
"What's your theme song?"
The Anthem
You're probably under 16 and think you're a punk. I probably can't stand you. That's why this Good Charlotte (whom I also can't stand) song is great for you!
Take the quiz:
"-What Band are you!?"
You are Good Charlotte!
You have been through alot of bad times in your life and you've worked hard to get to where you are...Keep it up!
Take the quiz:
"Which Laguna Beach Character are You?"
You are LC, very fashionable, rich, and GORGEOUS. You are bitchy but in a silent way. Who cares though with looks like that!?
Take the quiz:
"Are you a dumb blonde?"
Smart Blonde
you are a blonde with some smarts, make sure you check out the forum titled cheeeeze for the blonde jokes, and any others that might look funny.
Take the quiz:
"What Happy Bunny saying r u?"
Take the quiz:
"What is your dream car?"
Dodge Viper
And you'd own a Dodge Viper! You feel the need to speed and like to look good doing it.
Take the quiz:
"Which celeberty are you most like? (FOR GIRLS)"
Jennifer Lopez
You are a sexy girl, and of course, as JLO, have a bootylicious behind. You cant seem to settle on one guy but who knows? he might come along. Jennifer is you soul sister!
Take the quiz:
"What Flavor of Lip Gloss are you?"
Of course your Apple, your sweet and Sassy and you have great taste in music! Now you can go out and be proud of yourself, while wearing some awesome Apple Lip Gloss!
Take the quiz:
"What hip hop song are you?"
lose my breath-destinys child
you love ta dance..and ur good at it...ur also the life of the party