Sep 28, 2005 17:51

Why hello to all.....

This is my Live Journal.(is that suppose to be one word or two?) What you are about to view is a picture of me and my main man (be aware he is too cute may turn you on)THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE DONT TAKE IT LIGHTLY .


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHA ZAC TURNS ME ON LIKE A LIGHT SWITCH TURNS ON A LIGHT hahahha i am so out of it right now lol hahahahaha omg wowzers now that i think about ti i am good at making up like analagies like the light bulb one and the sharpest pin one, and the football player one and the motorsicle one wow def dotn think i spelt that right lol but i am DUMB lol jk no im not i was just messing with you

omg so i got a ride to school with sean this morning and we stp a starbucks the lady on the micro thingy was liek hi can i take ur order and sean was liek HI in a funny way and me and chet and brce just started laughing so hard for no reason and so did sean so the lady was liek can i help you? so i finally got it together and had to order lol wow o wiat that wasnt the point of the story lol umm then i got a choclate frap and so did brice and ya know how thehave all the whipped cream at the top well brice and i wanted that first so he took the top off and licked it then i wanted to do that but when i did it the stuff overflowed all over me and my outfit so all day i was chocolaty and yea lol i need a bib cause i awlays get stuff on my liek one day at lunch i had a capachino and i was talkign to tate and trebor and my purse fell to my wrist and it was bugging me so i used the hand i was holdign yu drink with to pull my purse up and it tilted sideways and dumped on me then tate was liek how did that happen and when i showed her i did it again !! lol wow omg this dumb bitch in liek 7th gr is bitching at me right nwo omg wtf does she think gives her the right to say that shit to me omg i am pissed now !!!!!!! im done happy writing GOD FUCK THIS UGH she pissed me off omfg what a bitch she brought so much shit into that conv that didnt need to be said and nopw i am officially PISSED that girl is goign to regret she ever said any of that shit to me she brought nick into it and saying i was dumb and didnt knwop he was usign me and she brought my mistakes over the summer into it saying i cant turn my liofe around and ya what guess what hn i already have DUMB ASS and she said i have only slut and pot head freidns WRONG dumb bitch urr i hate beign mad i have to go run ont he tredmill and get out my anger before i smoke or do somthign else i will regret to get this anger oyut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH welll as for the rest of you i really do love ya even thoguh i am pisse right now and ugh just for he record if anyoen evr so much as judges what i had with nick or what i have done in the past i will never forgive you that is how sensitive i am in that part of my life !
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