Apr 10, 2005 01:52
These are Ashley's and Sami's answers....
(ashley's being first and then a hyphen and then Sami's)
First best friend: Laura Leslie - Katie Gerth
First screen name: doglover370 - Samigirl2008
First crush: ryan something - doesnt recall
First funeral: my great grandma - my aunt
First piercing: ears - ears
First credit card: none - none
First true love: none - none
Last cigarette: a month ago - a long time ago
Last car ride: 2 hours ago - dido
Last bus ride: home from skewl on friday - home from skewl on tuesday..i think?
Last good cry: today - today
Last movie seen: right now party monster - dido..kickass movie
last drink: diet coke with lime - diet coke with cherries
Last food consumed: cake - cake
Last Crush: jeremy - nick
Last phone call: erik - ashley
Last tv show watched: room radiors - discovery kids
Last time showered: 2 hours ago - about 6 hours ago
Last shoes worn: gray and pink etnies - black vans with CKY laces
Last annoyance: jeremy - this stupid dvd music
Last disappointment: jeremy - boys
Last ice cream eaten: cookies and creme - cookies and creme
Last shirt worn: hardrock cafe - shady limited (shakes ghetto ass..lmao)
Last Person talked to/chatted with: sami - ashley
a p p e a r a n c e
height: 5'7 - 5'4
hair color: brownish - brown-blonde-red
eye color: green - blue
piercings: ears - none
tattoos: none - none
r i g h t n o w
what color pants are you wearing?: red pajama pants - black shorts
what song are you listening to?: silence - silence
what taste is in your mouth?: spit - spit
what's the weather like?: dark - perfect
how are you?: shitty - good question
d o y o u
get motion sickness?: yes - yes
have a bad habit?: yes - many
like to drive?: yes - cant
f a v o r i t e s
tv show: The O.C. - The O.C.
conditioner: Dove - Biologe
non alcoholic drink: Diet Pepsi - Diet Cherry Vinilla Dr. Pepper
alcoholic drink: Mike's hard lemonade - Diet Coke and Barcardi Limon
h a v e y o u
broken the law: yes - yes
ran away from home: yes - yes
snuck out of the house: yes - yes
ever gone skinny dipping: yes - yes
made a prank phone call: yes - yes
used your parents' credit card before: yes - no
skipped school before: yes - yes
let a friend cry on your shoulder: many times - yes
l o v e
boyfriend: jeremy - fuck that
sexuality: straight - same
children: three - none
current crush: jeremy i guess till he fucks up - guys suck cock
been in love: i dont know - i've BELIEVED i was in love
had a hard time getting over someone: yeah - deffinatly
been hurt: yes - many times
your greatest regret: everything - nothing
gone out with someone you only knew for three days: yeah - no
r a n d o m
do you have a job: yeah - not currently
your cd player has in it right now: The Postal Service - The Postal Service (ahh...Jason has inspired us all)
what makes you happy: feeling of being loved - rain and hugs
who makes you happiest: nobody - too many people
who do you consider good friends?: sami - ashley, brittany
w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t
time you cried: today - today
thing you purchased: three new shirts - cant recall
tv program you watched: room raidors - discovery kids
movie you saw in the theater: sin city - some cartoon
Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
1. awnsers to all of my questions - true love
2. a pony - a good reputation
3. true love - knumbness that was not chemically induced
4. half of cuba - ability to make everyone happy without hurting myself
Name Four People That Know You the Best:
1. sami - ashley
2. jason - gabby
3. kyle - dustin
4. steve - brittany
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. how long is this thing - rat on crack attack
2. sami's crazy!! - ashley's in denial about being in denial
3. i am in denial - how i hate when people ask me what i'm thinking and i'm not thinking anything important or half way worth thinking
4. why do i put up with this shit - ashley blinks a lot
Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. diet pepsi - diet rockstar
2. water - water
3. grapefruit juice - diet dr. pepper
4. diet pepsi with lime - coffee
First Grade Teacher's Name?: Mrs. mckay - Mrs. Leach
Last Words You Said: Mrs. mckay - coffee
Last Song You Sang?: "It's over" by Sugarcult - some song about cocaine by sugarcult?
Last Person You Hugged?: sami - ashley
Last Thing You Laughed At?: sami's stupidity - dido
Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And meant it?: like an hour ago - dido
What Color Socks Are You Wearing?: none - white but they dont match
What Time Did You Wake Up Today?: noon - same
Current Hair?: down and semi straight - in a pony tail
Current Clothes?: red pajama bottoms and a hardrock cafe shirt - black pajama shorts and an old eminem shirt
Current Annoyance?: jeremy - this quiz
Current Longing?: love - everything i shouldnt have or do
Current Desktop Picture?: a picture i did on paint - a poem
Current Worry?: jeremy - 'friend' going to jail
Current Hate?: jeremy - testosterone
Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex?: eyes - eyes and smile
Favorite Place To Be?: my bed - outside w/ someone i admire
Least Favorite Place?: alone - home
Time You Wake Up In The Morning?: 5;30 - 4;45
If You Could Play An Instrument?: flute - guitar
Favorite Color?: pink - light blue or light purple
Do You Believe In An Afterlife?: i dont know - some days
Favorite Season?: summer - shroom season (haha..no jk) spring
where Would You Like To Go?: ireland - same
How Many Kids Do You Want?: none or one - NONE!