Born of Night by
Sherrilyn Kenyon My rating:
3 of 5 stars I've read quite a few of Kenyon's Dark Hunter series, and frankly this sounded a lot like a re-do of Acheron's book. True it's a different world (no vampires) but Nyk sounds and feels like Ash to me. That's not bad, necessarily, just not new. Maybe it's just that many Alpha males sound the same in romance novels?
One of my pet peeves about romance novels is how the endings (once the hero and heroine have 'hooked up') are rushed. Either the story ends like the author has a bus to catch: "The bad guy got what he deserved and all our other problems just went poof" or a ton of extra conflict, character development and plot is crammed into the last chapters..."I forgot to tell you all this about her/him - here it is all in one or two chapters." Born of Night falls into the second category - Nyk is all mystery and angst until the last chapters when everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) about him is detailed.
Now, I hate to be left hanging wondering about a character, or what happens, but I also enjoy learning these things a little at a time, rather than having them dumped out all at once. This is why my rating is only three stars and not higher.
Do I recommend reading this? Yes. Writing a series of books means that some will be better than others - and many times the first is not necessarily the best. Maybe I'm being to harsh, but having read so many of her other books, I guess my expectations were pretty high.
View all my reviews >> And that does it for my list of 2009 books! I didn't make it anywhere near the original goal of 100 books, but 50 is pretty respectable, I think. Almost one a week - more than I've ever read in a year!