
Dec 27, 2007 23:02

So that guy Trevor who i met at old navy actually called me tonite. Weird lol i didn't think he was gonna call me. We talked for like an hour. He seems nice. I don't remember what he looks like. lol but we have a date on saturday. At Dave and Busters. I mean I'm not looking for anything serious but eh who knows. I mean I'm still like in love with Tyler. But with him it's different. I'm so confused about him. Like all day Sat i felt like he liked me. Sunday he was still giving me signals but kinda mixed. N then xmas eve once again he was giving me mixed signals. But then on wed, it was weird we didnt reallie talk. I mean i get shy around him. N i don't reallie get shy around guys. Like I need him to talk to me first. Ughhh i dont kno. All i kno is if he came up to me n told me that he liked me i would drop all this shyt with all the guys im kinda seeing. Well i mean im juss dating around not having anything serious juss seeing wats out there. But if i knew for a fact he liked me i would stop all that. But i keep going from guy to guy trying to get over Tyler. I don't even kno why i like him. I mean hes soo nice n hes cute but i cant even tell you what about him that makes me melt. Okai i got kinda pissed on wed cuz he didnt even say bye to me he juss walked rite past me without saying bye. N i was like okai watever if he's gonna be like that then wateves i can do better. But then only like 20 mins later i was thinking about him again. Sal said he though that Tyler liked me. But what does Sal kno? Ughh... so Trevor i guess seems nice... ughh i dont kno. N i saw Nick yesterday. So i deff think he was talking trash about me but whatever. I guess i kinda deserve it but okai at the same time, I gave him so many chances. After being blown off so often i kinda gave up. Besides hes going away to college n i juss dont do long distance relationships. He was too young anyways which wasnt his fault but i juss don't want to do younger anymore. Obviously i like older, Trevor and Tyler are both older then me... much older then me lol... Whatever im gonna be 21 soon so i dont even care. Besides once i get out of college i want to get married and have kids. I mean not rite away but I want something serious. N then there's Mark. lol ive kinda been flirting with him thru Myspace. Like i think hes cute n the few times we hung out i had fun with him. He dances and i like that n i kno he thinks im hott cuz selena n tricia told me he said i was. He very italian. lol italians r cuties although i guess im a suker for european guys... cough cough tyler lmfao... ughh im not gonna see him for a while. I dont even kno when... maybe news years for a few min. It sucks cuz when he works im off n then when im working he's off... ugh our work schedules dont work out for us. I miss him. I should reallie get over him especially cuz i have like 3 dates lined up this week although i think im juss gonna go out with Trevor cuz im reallie not into Jeff or Justin. Oh and Mark is hott but he kinda has a gf... kinda im not reallie sure what they are but im not sure i wanna get in the middle of that. so for now it looks like trevor is the only reallie datable guy. Even though my heart only wants Tyler. But watever maybe ill like Trevor more then Tyler when i hang out with him... even though i doubt it... lol anyways... im gonna go to bed cuz i have work at 9 00 2morrow.
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