In your face dissertation!!

Aug 27, 2011 12:39

It is done! The final draft of my dissertation is complete!

I finished it last night about 19:30ish, and it sits at about 17,000 words currently, giving me a spare 1,000 to mess around with when it gets sent back to me by my supervisor. I've still got to edit the appendicies and write the abstract but thos things need to wait until the main body is complete and then the fine tweaking comes into play. Honestly though I am so thankful, it's a huge weight off of my shoudlers, along with my two 4,000 word essays being finished and ready to submit.

I mean in comparison to some of the fandom fics out there, less than half the size really but what I've written isn't for pleasure, it's all based on research and literature reviews and ten months of my life dedicated to research and studies.

But that now means I have the rest of this week left to sort out school stuff and take it a little easier than I have done! We've got two inset days, thursday I'm not expected into school but Friday I am, but there are no kids! They don't start until the Monday and then WHOOSH! off I go into teaching for my NQT year for one year. Wish me luck people!

And for those of you in fandom, if you haven't read it yet seriously go check out the amazing J2 Brothers in Arms by raeschae

ecstatic, screw you academia!, dissertation

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