I've not fallen off of the face of the earth, honest. Just there hasn't been a whole lot to say of late unless you want to hear me go on at length about how I have so much uni work to do (clearly procrastination is my middle name - case in point by me being on here) and that the prison are dragging their feet so I'm still stuck at generic supermarket for the moment.
Well thankfully yesterday I got my Prison Identity passcard through the post which gives me access to any and all prisons that have education departments around the UK. Pretty darn awesome huh? It also means I'm registered on the national security database so obviously this enabled my over active imagination to conclude I was on my way to being the next James Bond or something to that effect. Because, you see, you have to start off small and then get promoted to be a Secret Agent and when I establish my close connections to the criminal world I'll form these close knit bonds that will allow me to infiltrate the criminal underbelly of the UK.
Or, you know, not.
Whilst we are on Hellatus (WHY! OH WHY ISN'T APRIL 15th HERE ALREADY!?) a certain awesome someone -
torncorpse - has rendered me addicted to a new tv show and two rather handsome guys. Enter my latest and clearly here to stay addiction in the form of Hawaii Five-Oh. It's got semi-naked men, women in bikinis, beaches, surfing, explosions, yelling, random destruction of personal property and that lovely snarky relationship between Steve McGarrett and Danny "Book 'em Danno" Williams that I've quickly become drawn in by.
In other news the tattoo is healing nicely and I want to get another one like now. Which isn't going to happen because I can't afford it, especially seeing as I want colour in my next one, but I am steadily convincing my Mum that she should get a tattoo because ever since I got my first one six years ago she's been saying how she'd like to get a butterfly one. I think I'm winning her over as it's her birthday at the end of April and she has been more receptive to the idea of late.
Who knows! Watch this space.