SPN 6.15

Feb 26, 2011 23:21

So I've never really posted anything about a Supernatural episode before, or at least not my response to it anyway. But thanks to 6.15 I'm breaking my silence.

This episode had potential to go so wrong in so many ways. I'm not going to lie or even try and deny that fact. I'll put my hands up now though and say that despite what happened I was pretty adamant that I'd be sticking with the show. It's been there for me during my highs and lows so it's the least I could do in return.

I managed to remain pretty much unspoiled prior to watching it tonight which is something I try to do anyway. Okay, sure I'll have a vague idea of what the next episode will be about but not so much that I can guess how the ending will be before I even watch it.

So... what did I think?

Honestly? I really thoroughly enjoyed it. Even the Boyfriend was laughing out loud at parts and seemed to get some of the finer jokes. I giggled, I cringed, I grinned like an idiot and sniffled over parts too.

There were many places where I had to hide my face because they were on the verge of being horrifyingly bad (please note that I cringe easily at tv shows though so don't trust my judgement on cringeworthy status alone), but it was obvious that it was being presented in that manner to get that kind of reaction from us. I don't think there is any easy way to completely destroy the fourth wall without breaking a few eggs... or noses and toes too for that matter. Yet I think the reason it worked was because Jensen and Jared managed to keep you believing that you were watching Sam and Dean in this AU world attempting to handle trying to be these odd versions of Jared and Jensen.

Thank goodness they created this alternatefourthwallworld rather than trying to force upon us a reality we already know and love. I mean the guest actors and staff already talk about how amazing the team are so I didn't need to see this played out. Instead having that subtle nod towards the reality was nice (though what was with the whole Kripke being shot scene?!?) Anyway it made it easier to watch and giggle over, not to mention some of the best parts had to be seeing how the boys' were reacting to this AU world and the people within it.

Though I'll admit the entire episode plot wasn't exactly the best ever it wasn't awful. Sure it wasn't on the level of 'Faith' for me, nor was it shocking or heartbreaking in some of the ways we are used to seeing with the boys but it was fun and it sure as hell was another first for Supernatural.

Loads of people have commented on that acting scene and I simply have to as well!. I was laughing so hard at that. Dean's face was epic and poor squirmy Sam was brilliant! I'm going to seriously have to re-watch the entire episode just to appreciate some of the finer aspects and bits that I was laughing too much at to have missed. I swear there are so many one liners that are going to be coming out of this show too.

I take my hat off to Misha who was simply awesome. That man is a legend in his own right. There was a moment when I had to remind myself that this wasn't Cas being killed it was AU!dorkstermisha. It was still a teary moment though!

And the genuis who put in DOOL? EPIC!!

OMG! And something that probably only I would squee about but the guy who dodges the bullet when Virgil is shooting up a storm? AWESOME! It's silly little things like that which make me proud to be a fan.

On a more serious note to the plot line of the whole season though it was great to see the boys taking a step closer towards being themselves once more. Hearing Sam say those things was good, wholesome and much closer to the Sammy we know and love. And the boys clearly were starting to slip back into their usual selves, okay sure Dean was a bit snarky but he's been through a lot this last year (yeah I know Sam has too) but unlike his baby brother, he's not always been quite so adept at voicing his feelings in the right way.
  And in no way am I forgetting Castiel and his step closer to being our super-strong angel. What is it that he's up to? Please say it doesn't completely back fire on our favourite angel!! OH! and were treated to a black, older female Raphael? I am pleased! I'm keeping my fingers crossed with her.

Overall a superb episode and I hope that others felt the same. If not, that's cool. I totally understand it wasn't for everyone!

By the way anyone else feel sorry for poor ol' Bobby who's gonna come home to find he's missing a window?

holybatman!, episode response, 2011, supernatural, meta

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