Out in the garden where we planted the seeds...

Jan 19, 2011 23:54

Note to self: Do not leave my essays to write and or finish with two weeks to the deadline. Such an action is not conducive to productivity or stress levels. I must remember that I am but a mere mortal and my brain can only be stretched so far before the terminology of one essay blends into the other and I lose track whether I'm talking about motivational theories involving intrinsic and extrinsic factors or homework policies.

So uni started back last week and already I feel like I am back in the thick of things. Stage one is all about Educational Policy, this is where I'm going to get a chance to write a 4,000 word essay on a policy document or ideal of my choice so I'm going to take great pleasure in picking apart what was siad about Sexual Health Education by our previous Government and what this means for our new one. Honestly? Probably more of the same old bullshit where we pretend to offer a day where students learn about stuff like homosexuality and AIDS but at the same time have talks from the fire brigade and other organisations who are in the school for this poor excuse of an education system. Rant much?
  Stage two is a negotiated course where I get to look at an area of interest in more detail. I've picked out Homework through a literature study as I've already done a 2000 word essay on it for a stage one module and picked out some things I'd love to look into with some more detail. Yes, I am well aware that I am a nerd.

Am working about 15hrs a week at which means I'll have some money coming in at least to help myself out with. I honestly considered doing more hours and then remembered that there is only so much of the people I work with that I can handle. Don't get me wrong, some of them are awesome individuals but there are some idiots who just make me want to hide in the corner and pray that my 6/5/4 hour shift ends sooner. Saying that I would hate to be jobless so I'm just going to suck it up like a bitch and deal. I've only got to survive there until late july/ early August as if I don't get a job in a school by then I'm bailing on teaching for a short time and looking for full time work elsewhere.

This weekend the Boy and I are going to the christening of Evie (Matt's older cousins little baby girl) so I went out and bought this dress. Now I swear that the image here doesn't do it justice at all really and yeah, the colour is a lime green but on it looks brilliant. It's one that I could wear for a job interview or for teaching and it would still be suitable, one of those all round dresses that can be made to look smart or more casual so YAY! \o/

Barnaby (my baby bro) turns 21 in just over two weeks and that is a terrifying thought for me. He'll no longer be the short, baby faced, dorkster that used to follow me around. Well he'll still be a dork and he's no longer short but you get what I mean anyway.

Apart from that I really can't think of anything epic or interesting to say off of the top of my head. Well apart from I decided not to sign up for Big Bang this year because I have way too much on my plate BUT I am going to make myself do some more writing. It's one of my New Year Resolutions. Along with get a decent camera for my birthday. I also want a new tattoo (or several), to get a job, to move out, to go on holiday and to do something that is incredibly geeky that I haven't done before.

blah blah blah, 2011, random!

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