(no subject)

Dec 27, 2010 16:52

Happy Holidays! Seasons Greetings! And a generally festive hello! I hope that those of you who have celebrated this season for whatever reason and/or belief have had a good one!

This is probably the first time I've been able to come back to my own room, sit down and unwind since Christmas Eve. Matt has just left to head over to stay the night with his Mum whilst I'm chilling here, back home with my own family. So my Christmas weekend was lovely (busy) but great to see the family. Matt came and stayed over on Christmas Eve after I'd managed to escape from work a whole hour early \o/ - we watched a Muppets Christmas Carol and relaxed in my room then crashed out till Christmas morning. We opened our stockings, got dressed and joined everyone downstairs for the main present giving.

Matt bought me a book on crochet, a book on knitting and is taking my to Hobby Craft to buy supplies later this week. The parents got me my Queer as Folk USA boxset I had wanted and Barn bought me a digibox. I've been thoroughly spoilt and after a delicious dinner with the family Matt and I drove up to Bromley and spent the evening with his Mum - Paulette - and his Aunt Chris and Uncle Ken. By the time we got home it was 11pm and we passed out till about 11am Boxing Day.

A lovely lazy day spent watching movies and tv before venturing out to the supermarket for dinner. Tonight I plan on taking it easy as this week I have to start on my uni essays which are due January 20th. Unlike others I haven't planned my essays but I always work better under pressure and I do know what I want to say/cover and do in them. Plus 3 weeks is plenty of time to write a 2000word essay and a 4000word essay really!

Okay so I'm off to raid the chocolate stash and make a dent in the Baileys!


christmas, update

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