Day four; List your top five planets
1 - Gaea; from Escaflowne. Where you can see Earth and the Moon in the sky and you live in a world where such curious things exist.
2 - Earth; because we live here and there is so much yet to see and explore and understand. I want to know what this world can offer before I go star gazing and looking for somewhere new to live.
3 - Barcelona; The planet where dogs have no noses and the Doctor mentions but we never get to see. I'd really like to go there I think thanks.
4 - Alderaan; from the Star War movies, it's the home of Princess Leia who is one of those female characters I just loved growing up and I'm a geek. Need I say more?
5 - Pluto; because once upon a time he used to be a planet and now he isn't but because I grew up when there were only 150 pokemon and Pluto WAS a planet I'm gonna put him on the list just to show my stance on the matter.
Day five; Post a voice post. Don't say the word Six.
Day six; Highlight the major differences between England and a country of your choice
Day seven; Post the most awesome photo you have
Day eight; If you were in your favourite tv series, what would your personal item be?
Day nine; top five tv series episodes - you can mix and match -
Day ten; Tell us about a food you hate.
Day eleven; Your fic happy place
Day twelve; A picture of your bedhair
Day thirteen; What is your ring tone?
Day fourteen; top five tv series characters/ships