Look at me! I can fly!

Oct 25, 2010 10:16

So I've passed 10,000 words for my reverse bigbang and just nudged into 12,000. Still got a bit more to write but I'm on the home stretch so I'm hoping/reckoning I'll have it done in about another 3k. Which will make it the LONGEST fic I have EVER written.

That's right Sammy dance like you've... well alright you've danced like that before but you know what I mean!

I'm all kinds of nervous/excited over it and I just hope that I am doing the art work justice!

[fingers crossed]

So what have I been up to lately other than writing? Well not a lot really. On friday I went to Bluewater with my best friend Amy - and when I say best friend I mean totally separated at birth bestest bestest friend kinda like a sister best friend - and we wandered around, did a bit of shopping and just hung out. Our ovaries were on overload though from all the cute (and some not so cute) little ones who had also been dragged shopping by family members. My favourite had to be pouting Grandpa with his incredibly cute pouting Grandson, both sat on a bench outside some clothing store and looking like they'd been told there wasno ice cream until later.

Saturday/sunday; Matt and I just chilled out, we bought a road map of the USA a while back but decided this weekend to stick it up on the wall of his flat and sticky tab all the locations we'd like to visit. It was both fun but also a little bit likerubbing salt into a wound when I pointed out that we weren't likely to be going there anytime soon. Which sucks. [epic pout] But hey. One day!

OMG! We also watched Season 6 episodes 1 & 2 of Supernatural and OMFG! I don't even know where to begin! I like it. I really do. I just like.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... where are they going with this. I adore Lisa and Ben, I did when they first introduced them but now I just really like how they've developed them just enough to be more than notes in the margin.

And am I the only one who kinda liked Mark Campbell who died in episode 2? Does he come back? Please tell me he comes back! I liked him and his silent snarkiness!

Why do I have to like the ones who die?!

Today I'm gonna do some more writing and then roll on over to Dover and go pester the Duff-meister aka Stuart. Probably will watch some tv and be the lazy schmucks that we are at his tiny flat but he has a projector screen so we can watch tv shows and movies in super size! :D

Anyone got anything else planned?!

reverse big bang, life, supernatural

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