
Aug 29, 2010 12:32

10 - It’s strange to think how you’ve managed to stick in my mind even though your input into my life was only for nothing more than a year. You told me there was little point in me going to University; that I didn’t have the aptitude or ability to cope and that I’d not get anything better than a pass if I was lucky. Well look at me now - I’ve got a 2:1(Hons), a teaching qualification and I’m getting a Masters. I was and always will be good enough, despite what lies you told me.

9 - We met because of Amy and became firm friends; five of us dropping down to three after some huge argument. For years I admired you, aspired to be like you and dropped everything to be your friend when you needed me the most. Sacrificed so much to make sure you were happy because you had a tough upbringing and I didn’t. At the time I thought you were the best thing since sliced bread but now I can see you that our relationship. Our friendship wasn’t healthy. I’m glad you haven’t gotten to meet him, I’m glad you’ve got a life of your own and new friends to pick up the pieces but most of all I’m happy for you. But I’ll still always drop everything and come to your side if you need me.

8 - I wish I could take the hurt away and make things better for you sweetie. If the distance was smaller I’d show up on your doorstep every chance I’d have and we could watch dvds, talk, chat, giggle, laugh, cry and just get to know each other better. A year has passed and although I only know you through a computer screen I feel like I can call you friend. Be strong because when the storm finally passes you’ll see those blue skies.

7 - Stop taking what you’ve got for granted and open your eyes to see just how truly fucking lucky you are. Forget him. He’s not worth it. Never was. You’ve come on miles and miles since him but you keep looking back at the path you’ve walked and not the path you’ve yet to follow. You can’t change history but you can change the future.

6 - Some people believe that your soul mate is the person that you love, that you marry and grow old with. I don’t think that. Why? Because I believe that my soul mate is you. From the moment we first met we’ve been the best of friends, able to finish each others’ sentences, know the way each other is feeling without having to say a thing and in the eleven years I’ve known you we’ve never fallen out. You are my best friend. You are my sister of the soul. You are my soul mate.

5 - You’re an idiot but you’ll always be my idiot. I don’t always understand you and sometimes that it my fault for not trying harder. Those years where we hated each other with a passion seem such a long time ago now. I know we don’t talk like we used to and we’ve both got separate lives now but I’ll always be your big sister and you’ll always be my baby brother. If there is anything you need to say or just need ask. I’d move the stars for you.

4 - I don’t know what it was in your past that meant you could never say the words I love you. I know that you did though; I know that you loved Gran, your children. Dad was so devastated when you died and although you could be a grumpy, irritable old sod with a foul temper and a wicked tongue you always had time for us Grandchildren. I miss Sunday afternoons listening to the cricket and helping you in the garden. I will never forget the hundreds of memories of our walks through the Kentish countryside with your dog Ben.

3 - Bampa. I miss you. I wish you could have met the Boyfriend because I know you’d like him. I miss watching television with you, asking questions about those programmes on the stars, construction and engineering. Your ability to make, draw, see, build and design things always astounded me. I miss your RAF boy moustache and your love of children movies. I wish losing you didn’t make Mum so upset.

2 - I may well have met my Prince Charming but you will always be the most important man in my life. I love you so much and even though we don’t always say it I know that you know I’ll always be your little girl. I love you Daddy and I hope you know how proud I am of you because you always have given us a roof over our heads even when times were tough.

1 - One day, when you ask. I’ll say yes.


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