Mar 04, 2010 17:50
Okay so I feel bad, haven't posted in a little while. Well not since my ranting bitch post about the woman who upset my Mum. That's still on going but blargh whatever, there's not a lot I can do to help out other than be supportive.
So I'm nearly at the end of my placement at the second school. It's a mixed, comprehensive which is pretty amazing. I got to teach both boys and girls at a range of ability levels. Enjoyed it far more than I thought I would as well which is great, although I did witness some of the worst pupil behaviour. Despite that it hasn't put me off of being a teacher or working in a non-grammar. Apparently according to Rachel (she's 26 and is the most amazing teacher EVER) there is a chance that a job for a humanities teacher might come up at the school. Which if it does... yeah I'm so going for it.
On an unrelated note it's 10 days till my birthday! WHOO! I'll be 23 and one step closer to being an adult... maybe.
This would have more substances to it but I'm merely touching base and letting you (those who read this) that I am alive and haven't vanished into the mighty cosmos.
Will blurt more out later. Maybe. Possibly. If I can be bothered.