(no subject)

Nov 17, 2009 21:39

It's been a while since I actually posted something substantial... if you can actually call my random ramblings substantial really. Anyway. Whatever.

So yeah I'm feeling more like a teacher this term. Now that might sound like an odd statement to make but last term I felt like a fraud really. I was talking, acting and thinking like a teacher but I still didn't have the confidence in myself. I think teaching from the start of a topic has given me the chance to do what I want rather than being controlled so much by the other teachers. Don't get me wrong they are all amazing but still it kinda sucks when you have to do things their way.
Technically this term I still have to do everything by the book but I've got a little more say in how I do the lessons.

The school flooded on Friday. The torrential downpours caused heavy surface run-off and the problem was exacerbated by the fact that the highways agency hadn't cleaned the drains out on the main road. Our car park was under two inches of water, the N block (mobile classrooms) were leaking, the gym couldn't be reached and there was a partial powercut in one of the blocks. The students were beautifully well behaved and made every effort to help us out. It was a stressful but entertaining experience that I'll be sourcing as evidence for my GTP.

The Boy and I are going rather well. We finally broached the topic of Xmas which for me is like... wow! It's nice to be planning quite some time ahead and not be wondering if I'm being too hopeful. I'm spending Christmas eve with him (our 5month anni too) and then on Christmas Day I'm driving over to pick up my Gran and he is heading off to see his family. We're doing xmas gifts but I just had to buy a stocking for him because I'll put his xmas pressies in there hehe!
Oh and he is letting me decorate his flat for xmas too!! Black, silver and white theme :)

It's scary to think how quickly this year has gone by for me and just how much has happened: (just a glimpse into some of the things that have happened all in no particular order)
  • Death of my Grandfather
  • Redundancy
  • Getting a new job/career
  • University interviews
  • Working at the cinema
  • Holiday to Zante
  • Getting Darcie
  • Meeting Matt
  • Ditching pointless friends
I guess I should really start thinking about next year. I've got to look for a NQT placement, think about moving out (alone or maybe +1) and I want to go on holiday next summer. I'm thinking of getting a credit card and paying for a holiday to America or Australia (if Matt and I were to go together) and spending a couple of weeks just being young and adventurous. I'm not looking to go to the really touristy places, I'd love to drive along Roue 66 or even just hire a car and see where I end up over those two weeks. Who knows what the future may hold.

Right now I am the most balanced I've been in a long time. I'm not worrying about the future because things will happen when and if they are meant to.

love, the boy, family, relationships, work, life, weather

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