(no subject)

Nov 04, 2009 18:36

• Leave me a comment saying "There are no stupid questions, only a lot of inquisitive idiots"
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

My questions from the oh so awesome author


1. You have some awesome icons. Do you make them yourself?
If you mean do I nab the pictures from various sources online and then crop them, then yes... yes I do. If that isn't what you meant then no. I sadly have never been particularly talented when it comes to anything art or computer graphics related, unless it involves me googling best graphic cards for playing sims2! I would love to claim these beautiful icons as my own but sadly the genius who designed the logo in the first place owns them... hence why I never try to claim them as my own.

2. Desert Island DVDs: what are yours and why?
Oh! This is a good one! Hmmmm well in no particular order:
1) Supernatural Seasons 1-4 boxset (technically I don't own season 4 yet); Because to put it simply I like the fact that I get to perv over Jensen Ackles whilst enjoying supernatural/sci fi things that I enjoy! And lets be honest when you look over my list I chose boxsets because they are full of bonus stuff! 
2) Doctor Who Season 2 & Season 3 box set; I have loved Dr Who since I was very little, when my Dad and I used to watch it together. My passion for it was renewed by Christopher Eccleston in series one of the new version, however I will admit that it was the arrival of David Tennant and his amazing relationship with Billie Piper on screen that really won me over. David is a fantastic actor as is Billie, who I have always wished I could be more like.
3) Ashes to Ashes; I guess I have always been a sucked for anything 80s related. I should have been born in the 70s so I could grow up during the 1980s but that never happened *sigh* The cast in my oh so humble opinion steal the show and won me over in Life on Mars. Keeley Hawes is just sexy.
4) Xmen Origins: Wolverine; I loved the cartoons when I was a child, grew up with the comics thaks to my cousin and fell in love with the movies. But it was this movie that introduced me to a group of people who I now consider friends. People I can share in-jokes with, chat about fangirl things and be so very much me. I owe so very much to this film.
5) Disney Beauty and the Beast; What girl doesn't have a favourite Disney? This was the very first one my Mum and I watched when I was little. I have been to see the stage show as well and I love this film so incredibly much.
6) Moulin Rouge; My favourite musical movie of all time. Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman are amazing as actors let alone as singers. This film was also one I performed as a year 13 to help out my friend who was a House Captain. I can sing along to 90% of the songs word for word and just simply love it.
7) Interview with a Vampire; Now I've never really liked Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise but this film was the first vampire film I ever saw of my own choice and I absolutely loved it! It's twisted, dark, entertaining, brutal and oh so alluring.
8) House (seasons 1-5); Give me an american medical drama and I'm a happy girl, but give me an american medical drama with Hugh Laurie, great story lines and fun twists and I am hooked. I stumbled across House originally by accident and haven't looked back since.
9) The Green Mile; If I could pick any actor to meet (other than my crushes) it would have to be Tom Hanks because I do believe he is one of the finest actors out there. This film breaks my heart everytime though because it is just so beautiful.

3. What's the first food you remember intensely disliking?
Grapes! I was allergic to them when I was much younger and until I was about 21 I couldn't stomach the taste let alone the smell. Now I can just about munch my way through a bunch of white grapes but occasionally I have moments when I honestly can't touch them.

4. You can only wear one colour for a week. What is it and why?
Blue. It's the one colour in life that I just seem to relate to. It's calming, reassuring, pretty and comes in so many shades and tones. I've got two blue roses on my lower back so technically every day I do wear something blue :)

5. What do YOU think is the answer to life, the universe and everything?
The answer to life? Well I could just cheat and say that I agree with the idea of 42 but then I'd be liar. I asked the Boy and his answer was to 'procreate DNA'... yeah I know boring. My answer though?

The answer to everything is just to exist, to accept that sometimes the highs will come with the lows, that there will be injustices in life and times when things just don't go your way. You will lose the ones you love, keep the ones you hate and never quite get where you wanted to be but all that doesn't really matter because in the scheme of things you are but a tiny grain of sand.
  Yet despite all that crap there is a chance in life you will do something amazing; have a child, save a life, help someone, discover something or someone. The answer to everything is to remember we do not have all the answers and that is more than ok. It's important to have some questions that plague you all your life, because those are the questions that make you strive to improve yourself, better your mind, body and soul. You don't have to have faith, a belief or a purpose just remember to do one good thing each day and then life will do what it has to do.

I don't think there is explicitly one answer to life, the universe and everything. Instead I think there are millions of potential answers and outcomes, some we'll never know about and others we will have the pleasure of exploring.

love, relationships, and all that jazz, life

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