Managed to get through a pile of school related stuff which is great but there is still a mountain of work that I need to finish up *sigh* but truth is I'm just not going to manage to get it all done before I go back to work on Monday.
I really don't care though as I really needed this time off so very much.
I have developed a greater obsession with this man as well thanks to a certain group of people (well one person really but it's all good)
I think it's his face... it's so expressionate and passionate...
not to mention he is utterly fuckable.
Quiet weekend coming up, seeing my best friend tomorrow and having a proper catch up which we haven't done in about 7 weeks. Gonna go out and do something at least, grab dinner maybe catch a movie and gossip to our hearts content. I miss my Amy anyway *sniffles*
Then on Saturday I am off to see The Boy. Spending Halloween together so I might be a lovely gf and take round some halloween treats. I even allowed him the rights to pick some scary movies out for us to watch. Though I did warn him I was going to spend the entire time hiding behind a pillow asking when it was over!
Sunday I'm seeing Vince for a cup of tea and a catch up before going home to unwind prior to going back to work for another 7 weeks.
Managed to spend £85 today on bloody tyres for my wonderful car *scowl*
Oh and just got a call from the Boy to say that his Mums' guide dog Briar has had to be rushed to the vets.
It's the first time of dealing with something like this for us and I'll admit all I wanted to do was go and see him and give him a cuddle.
I do hope Briar doesn't go like this