Mar 03, 2006 10:41
Hey there! So yesterday was pretty cool. I woke up at 8:00 am and worked until about 2:00pm. Kelly came and got me and we went over to Krystal's and smoked a couple bong loads. Then we went to Taco Bell cause Krystal was hungry. Then we decided to go visit Jondogg at his new work down by the bridge at Stevo's. That was fun but he was too busy to even talk so we left there and went to That Beach. We chilled out there for a while and sat and watched this old creepy guy dance to the radio it was so fucking funny. Krystal was making us crack up cause she was making fun of the creep and dancing too. Haha he had no idea. It was fucking hilarious! Erin, Ashley and Lil Kelly came down to visit since it was Ashley's Birthday. We smoked a few more bowls but by 3:45 we had to leave to go get sweet little Amanda. I love that gurl shes such a dork! So we went all the way to Desert Tech and on the way home Krystal got into a little bit of ROAD RAGE! It was so funny! Some dick behind her flipped her off so she tried her best to go as slow as possible. She double brake checked him and then he decided to pass and Krystal threw her cup at their truck. I don;t know I was LMFAO! It was great then we went back to Krystals and chilled with Erin and Ash for about 10 mins. Then they took me home cause they were going out to eat with the parentals. Soon after Erin called me and let me know that I am going with her to Rocky Point Mexico with her for 4 days. I'm so excited I've never even been there before plus I get to visit with one of my OLD BEST GUY FRIENDS! It's gonna be really exciting. Erin always knows how to make me happy. She my Gurl! And I get to get away from the BOYFRIEND for a while which will be fucking GREAT! I love him but lately he's just SOOO ANNOYING! But I'll miss him! Anyway back to the rest of the night....Jake came and picked me up and I barely made it to my nail appointment. But I did get them done FINALLY! After that we went to Fat's house and played Monopoly on the game cube. It was pretty damn fun cause I was pretty damn High! But I lost! Oh well at least Jake went Bankrupt So ya then I went home and chilled with my Bro for a while until finally being to tired to keep my eyes open. Fun day can't wait to see what I do today!