Mar 28, 2008 12:05
ok so, i don't know if i am going to take this new sales position. i don't know, it's just not me.i'm really thinking of this masters degree at UTD. it's a humanities degree about script writing and stuff. it seems kinda interesting--where do you take the GRE? i don't know what to do...
i was kinda excited about sales until they told me what it entails. i wouldn't even hardly be making more than what i am doing now. and it's way more stress than now and i would have corporate breathing down my back. amanda doesn't do that.
and they sometimes stay here until like 8 or 9 at night and don't have weekends off.
and it's all about number's number's number's....i can't do that!
i just want to write sing and act. that's what i'm good at and that's what i want to stick too.