Jul 14, 2005 19:45
Are you tired of all those lame "friendship" poems?
Well, here is a series of promises that really speaks to true friendship:
1. WhEn YoU aRe sad - I will HeLP you get dRuNk and plot rEvEngE against the sorry bAsTaRd who made you *SaD*.
2. WhEn YoU aRe bLue - I will try to DisLodGe whatever is cHoKiNg you.
3. WhEn YoU SmiLE* - I will kNow you FiNaLLy got LaiD.
4. WhEn YoU aRe ScArEd - I will RaG on you about it EveRy chance I GeT.
5. WhEn YoU aRe wOrRiEd - I will tell you HoRRibLe sToRiEz about how much woRsE it could be & to QuiT whining.
6. WhEn YoU aRe CoNfusEd - I will usE >little< woRdS.
7. WhEn YoU aRe SicK - Stay the HeLL away from ME until you are WeLL again. I doN'T want wHaTevER you have.
8. WhEn YoU fAlL - I will PoiNT & LaUgH at your
cLuMsY aSS.
This is my oath... I pledge it till the end. Why? Because you are my friend. (Not friend)
Send this to *>10<* of your closest friends, then get depressed because you can only think of *>9<*.
Remember: A good friend will help you move. A really good friend will help you move a {body} --Let me know if I ever need to bring a shovel.
Well, today will be boring. I'll update more in a few days...I have alot going on! Lata!