Apr 25, 2005 08:10
ok... so we all have those nights when all you wanna do is die right? Well thats the night that i had last night.. i was just looking back at evcerything thats happend to me and all i wanted to do was cry. Because all i ever wanted was not to be like the worse person that could possibly walk this earth... my mom.. and all i could see was my mom. I mean i realize that i dont go around throwing stuff at my kids or anything.. prob. cuz i dont have any kids..lol.. but the decisions that i made this summer seemed to be just like her.. I mean i classify having some beer.. as having fun.. just once in a while.. just like i consider smoking weed as having some fun.. even though i barely ever do it.. i still did it... and i'm blaming my mom for doing drugs and for drinking when i'm doing pretty much the same thing just not as much.. who knows maybe if i keep doing it then it'll consume me and i will be like her ya know?